Apple Watch Now Part of UnitedHealthcare Wearable Device Program

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Apple Watch is now part of UnitedHealthcare Motion, a national wearable device program that encourages current participants to achieve nearly 12,000 steps per day – more than double the number of the average American adult. Starting this month, Apple Watch is now available to eligible employer-sponsored program participants, enabling people to use their Apple Watch or shop for a new one. An alternative payment option enables participants to receive and start using Apple Watch (initially paying only tax and shipping) and then apply program earnings toward the purchase price of the device. Participants may be able to own – with a zero balance – Apple Watch after approximately six months of meeting daily walking goals. UnitedHealthcare Motion provides eligible plan participants access to wearables that may help them earn over $1,000 per year by meeting certain daily walking goals. Among all eligible UnitedHealthcare Motion participants, more than 45 percent participated in the program – compared to some other employer-sponsored disease-management programs that report five percent engagement rates. Among people who registered their device, 59 percent stayed active for at least six months, a rate higher than gym memberships (29 percent). Current program participants walk an average of nearly 12,000 steps, or more than twice the approximately 5,200 steps logged by the average American adult.

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