Instagram ‘Health Foods’ Surprisingly Unhealthy

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

From Whole Foods to pricey health food stores, cafes, and coffee shops, certain foods and ingredients have become trendy among health and calorie counting foodies.  Who has not heard of matcha, Acai, cold-pressed juice, and gluten-free baked goods? In a perfect world, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find food and drinks that are delicious, healthy and not calorie laden?  While certain Instagram accounts may have you convinced these “magic foods” exist, Dr. Niket Sonpal is a NYC gastroenterologist and assistant professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine who cautions health enthusiasts to do a deeper dive into what they are eating and imbibing

Google “acai berry” and a wealth of purported benefits like weight loss and antiaging results will return. Does this trendy health food hail from Brazil really live up to the hype? Dr. Sonpal says that “While the fiber-rich fruit does tout more antioxidant properties than pomegranates and blueberries, many health claims don’t mention that it logs in 247 calories per 100 grams, 26 grams of which are carbohydrates.”  The takeaway?  Unless you are using acai at home and controlling your portions, an acai bowl could cost you almost 600 calories per serving!

Veggie Chips
The pieces of actual veggies in veggie chips are so thin and processed that most of the nutrition from the vegetable is gone. “Instead, try whole-grain pretzels, baked corn chips, crackers made with seeds and nuts, or popcorn,” Dr. Sonpal suggests. To keep from turning a bag of chips or box of crackers into a meal, divide them up into sensible portions ahead of time.

Matcha Lattes
Matcha is one food trend that has taken the center stage. Some restaurants offer matcha pancakes. While matcha is packed with antioxidants and provides detox health benefits that cannot be disputed, ordering up a latte may not be the magic elixir you bargained for.  A 12-ounce matcha latte from a popular coffee chain packs 24 grams of sugar and will set you back 190 calories.

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