Money Smart Week 2019

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has announced that Money Smart Week©—a national campaign that offers thousands of free events to help consumers better manage their personal finances—will be held March 30 through April 6. Money Smart Week is coordinated by the Chicago Fed with the help of a network of local partners across the country who deliver lessons and coach consumers. Money Smart Week’s event topics include money management, budgeting, taxes, career development, debt relief and retirement planning, among others. Events for children range from decorating piggy banks to monopoly tournaments. In 2018, Money Smart Week had 2,500 volunteer partners, hosted 4,350 events, and reached over 141,740 consumers in 41 states. The majority of events take place in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas and West Virginia. To register for an event, visit

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