IEMA Encourages People to Prepare for Earthquakes

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Last week, residents of southern California experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake.  To this day, residents continue to experience significantly powerful aftershocks. The event served as a stark reminder that earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world and at any time of day.  In fact, records indicate Illinois and several other states in the central United States were rocked by some of the largest earthquakes ever measured in North American history. There are several steps people can take to help prevent injuries and property damage at home, including:

• Strapping water heaters and large appliances to wall studs

• Anchoring overhead light fixtures

• Fastening shelves to wall studs and securing cabinet doors with latches

• Strapping TVs, computers and other heavy equipment to prevent tipping

• Learning how to shut off gas, water and electricity in case the lines are damaged

Each year the Illinois Emergency Management Agency leads an initiative to register homes, businesses, schools and organizations in the world’s largest earthquake drill.  This year’s earthquake drill will take place on Thursday, October 17 at 10:17 a.m.  Register today at Learn more about how you can prepare your home, business and family for an earthquake at

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