City Announces New Strategy to Revitalize South and West Sides

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced an unprecedented neighborhood investment initiative to support revitalization of key corridors on the South and West Sides of Chicago. INVEST South/West will marshal the resources of multiple City departments, community partners and corporate partners to revitalize the core of 10 underinvested neighborhoods on Chicago’s South and West Sides. Through this collaborative by government, businesses, philanthropies, and community leaders, the City will align more than $750 million in already allocated funding over the next three years. Spearheading INVEST South/West’s first corporate sponsorship, BMO Harris Bank has announced a commitment of $10 million to support community revitalization. INVEST South/West will leverage the City’s committed funding and planning efforts to attract additional investment by corporate and philanthropic sponsors. The INVEST South/West initiative will comprehensively focus planning and funding tools along targeted blocks that have historically served as focal points for pedestrian activity, retail, services, transportation, public spaces and quality-of life amenities for local residents. INVEST South/West neighborhoods will initially include:

• Auburn Gresham
• North Lawndale
• Austin
• Englewood
• Humboldt Park
• Quad Communities
• New City
• Roseland
• South Chicago
• South Shore

For more information on the new INVEST South/West initiative, please visit

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