Summer Meals Programs Served More Than 5.2 million Meals in 2019

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Illinois’ summer meals programs, administered by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and funded by the U.S Department of Agriculture, served more than 5.2 million meals in 2019. However, 35 counties did not have any summer meals serving sites. ISBE is seeking additional sponsors to expand access to healthy food in between school years. ISBE’s Nutrition Department is holding workshops across the state starting in March for school districts, community organizations, churches, camps, park districts, and others interested in serving as sponsors. The training is required to become a new sponsor. Register and find more information for all trainings and workshops at ISBE partners with No Kid Hungry and the Illinois Hunger Coalition to operate a hotline that refers families to the nearest summer meals serving sites. Participants can call (800) 359-2163, text “FoodIL” to 877-877, or visit  

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