Community Projects Offered Helping Hand Through ComEd Competitive Grant Program

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

To help support local communities in their efforts to protect the environment, enhance public safety and increase access to the arts, ComEd again offers grants up to $10,000 to municipal and public safety agencies, as well as arts and culture organizations in the areas ComEd serves. In partnership with Openlands, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and the League of Chicago Theatres, ComEd offers three separate grant programs: Green Region, Powering Safe Communities and Powering the Arts, respectively. Grant applications for any of the programs are being accepted through 5 p.m. CST March 13, 2020.

Green Region grants support public agencies in their efforts to plan for, protect and improve open land. This grant supports open-space projects that focus on planning, acquisition and improvements to local parks, natural areas and recreation resources.

Powering Safe Communities grants support municipal and public safety initiatives. This year, the grant has a special focus on electrification projects that reduce carbon emissions, improve public health outcomes and advance community resiliency.

Recognizing that increased access to the arts enhances the vibrancy of local communities, Powering the Arts grants support arts and culture organizations in their efforts to reach new and diverse audiences

For more information on each grant program, including eligibility guidelines and how to apply, visit

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