Kennedy-King Announces Tech Launchpad to Close Industry Equity Gaps

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Housed in Kennedy-King College’s new technology lab, the Tech Launchpad will offer credit and non-credit academic programs, developed in partnership with leading local and global technology companies. At the event with leaders in the local tech economy, World Business Chicago announced that City Colleges would be the newest anchor partner for its ThinkChicago program designed to attract and retain STEM talent in Chicago. The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership (The Partnership) will assist eligible Launchpad participants by covering training costs and reaching out to employers searching to build a much-needed talent pipeline. New and forthcoming credit programs include: a cybersecurity AAS degree and certificates (launching Fall 2021), a game design AAS degree (launching Fall 2021), software development (launching Fall 2021), a web development AAS degree and certificates (launching Fall 2022), and a networking systems AAS degree and certificates (launching Fall 2022). Courses may be offered in-person and remotely. Kennedy-King College has created an easy-to-use online form for people interested in enrolling in this curriculum and employers seeking access to this skilled workforce, which can be found at

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