CPS Announces Move to Mask-Optional Model

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) will move to a mask-optional model for staff and all students, pre-k through grade 12, beginning Monday, March 14. While CPS will continue to encourage the use of masks, the shift will give families and employees a choice about whether or not to wear a mask at school, outside on school property, and on school buses.  The number of COVID-19 cases in schools and throughout the city of Chicago has declined sharply over the past several weeks, while at the same time, vaccination rates among CPS students and staff are continuing to rise, and voluntary testing has dramatically increased in schools.  Vaccination rates to date:  

• CPS COVID-19 vaccination rates are now near the national average for 12-17 year-old students (64 percent of CPS students age 12-17 have had at least a first dose, compared to 68 percent nationally).

• Rates are well above the national average for 5-11 year-old students (47 percent of CPS students age 5-11 have had at least a first dose, compared to 33 percent nationally).

• More than 91 percent of all CPS staff members are fully vaccinated.

The District will continue many of its COVID-19 safety mitigation measures including voluntary on-site testing, contact tracing, and proper hand hygiene. CPS will share more information with families and staff before Monday, March 14 around how this change will impact the District’s various health and safety protocols.

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