Author Archives: Editor
El Acta de Un Día de Descanso en Siete Entra en Vigor el 1º de Enero
En preparación para el año nuevo, los empleadores deberían conocer los próximos cambios al Acta de Un Día de Descanso en Siete que entra en vigor el 1º de enero… Read more
El Departamento de Trabajo de Illinois Reconoce el Día de la Igualdad Salarial Latina
El Departamento de Trabajo de Illinois (IDOL) y sus afiliados comunitarios están reconociendo el 8 de diciembre como el Día de la Igualdad Salarial Latina, un día que reconoce la… Read more
La Ciudad Celebra la Finalización Histórica del Intercambio Jane Byrne
Por Ashmar Mandou El miércoles, el Gobernador JB Pritzker y el Departamento de Transporte de Illinois (IDOT) se unió a funcionarios locales y líderes comunitarios para celebrar la finalización del… Read more
La Alcaldesa Llightfoot Nombra a Anabel Abarca Nueva Concejal del Distrito 12
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot anunció que Anabel Abarca, residente de la comunidad de McKinley Park desde el 2015, fungirá como la nueva concejal, representando al Distrito 12. La selección… Read more
State of Illinois to Receive More than $350M in Federal Funding to Support Small Businesses
The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that Illinois will receive up to $354.6 million to administer four programs as part of the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). The… Read more
Collaborative Effort to Clarify Pretrial Fairness Act Passes Senate
In collaboration with law enforcement, states attorneys and other stakeholders, the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus passed a measure Thursday to clarify the Pretrial Fairness Act portions of the SAFE-T Act… Read more
Redlined Redefined: Challenging Appraisal Bias
By: Falon Young Today’s data shows that unequal access to credit is the driving force perpetuating the homeownership and racial wealth gap, with White families having 10x the net worth… Read more
Illinois Office of Tourism Celebrates Tourism Industry
The 2022 Illinois Governor’s Conference on Travel & Tourism kicked off Monday, Dec. 5, at Navy Pier in Chicago, with the 2022 Illinois Excellence in Tourism Awards ceremony honoring Illinois… Read more
Triton College’s Adult Education Program Now Hiring ESL Instructors
Triton College’s Adult Education Program is currently hiring English as a Second Language (ESL) adjunct instructors. The Adult Education Department is hoping to recruit individuals passionate about teaching and helping… Read more
CCC, IHCC Collaborate to Offer the First Latino Entrepreneurship Course
Harold Washington College (HWC) and the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (IHCC) unveiled a new Latino Entrepreneurship course class that helps small businesses scale and strengthen their business models. The… Read more