Author Archives: Editor
Expo Latina Anual y el Festival Mundial de la Moda Vienen a Chicago
La comidilla de la ciudad serán los dos Eventos de la Herencia Hispana más grandes, que se llevarán a cabo en la Ciudad de los Vientos, del 30 de septiembre… Read more
El Hogar del Niño Celebra 50 Años de Servicio
Por: Ashmar Mandou Una querida institución de Pilsen celebró un aniversario fundamental de servicios ayudando a enriquecer las vida de familias que abarcan 50 décadas. Establecido en 1972 por cinco… Read more
Cicero Condena la Decisión del Arbitro de Reincorporar a un Bombero que Hirió a un Colega
Funcionarios del Municipio de Cicero denunciaron el martes al árbitro Cary Morgen, quien ordenó la reinstalación de un empleado involucrado en un asalto criminal contra un paramédico y quien se… Read more
Ballet 5:8 Celebra el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana
Ballet 5:8, una compañía de ballet de estreno dirigida por mujeres y minorías y el “secreto de baile mejor guardado del suburbio”, como lo elogia See Chicago Dance, celebrará el… Read more
Inspiring Reads
By: Ashmar Mandou Whether it’s a non-fiction book about current life-struggles, or fictional characters displaying wisdom and complex emotions, reading serves a great purpose as it helps to develop empathy,… Read more
Miracle Lawyer Comes to Chicago
By: Ashmar Mandou Known as the “Lawyer of the Miracles,” Alexandra Lozano specializes in all phases of immigration and person injury law. With her keenness for justice, Lozano has a… Read more
ComEd, League of Chicago Theatres Award $160,000 in Grant Funding
After two years of disruptions due to the pandemic, in-person performances and theaters are back in northern Illinois. To increase access to the arts in northern Illinois, ComEd and the League of Chicago… Read more
Nearly 60 H.S. Grads from South, West Sides Receive Scholarships from Union League Boys & Girls Clubs
As the 2022-23 academic year begins, 57 current and recent high school graduates hailing from Chicago’s South and West sides have received $210,600 (total) in financial scholarships granted by Union… Read more
Building Healthier Communities Together
On Friday, September 16th in front of Stroger Hospital, at the Emergency Department entryway, Cook County Commissioner Dennis Deer – 2nd District, Cook County Commissioner Bill Lowry – 3rd District,… Read more
American Heart Association Launches New Campaign to Inspire Latino Community
Despite improvement in CPR training, the survival rate for women experiencing cardiac arrest outside of a hospital has not improved significantly, especially for Hispanic women. The American Heart Association is… Read more