Author Archives: Editor
How to Talk to Your Kids About Puberty
Courtesy of Katie Gallagher, Director of Education at Candor Health Education Edited by Lawndale Bilingual News Here in In Illinois, unlike some surrounding states, it is mandatory that students be… Read more
Big Shoulders Fund Announces $1.6M Initiative to Expand Quality Childhood Education
Big Shoulders Fund is excited to announce that it has received a grant from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation to fund an early childhood education initiative aimed at improving access… Read more
City of Chicago Launches Community Wealth Building Pilot Program
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, the Office of Equity and Racial Justice (OERJ), and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) launched the Community Wealth Building Pilot, a $15 million program… Read more
Mayor Lightfoot Names Timmy Knudsen New 43rd Ward Alderman
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced that Timmy Knudsen, a resident of the Lincoln Park & Old Town community for nearly a decade, will serve as the new alderman representing the… Read more
Treasurer Conyears-Ervin, BMO to Host Building Wealth Today for Tomorrow Financial Empowerment Weekend
On September 30th and October 1st, Chicago City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin and BMO Financial Group will host the “Building Wealth Today for Tomorrow Financial Empowerment Weekend” at the UIC Forum…. Read more
Lecturas Inspiradoras
Por: Ashmar Mandou Ya sea un libro de no ficción sobre las luchas de la vida actual o personajes ficticios que muestran sabiduría y emociones complejas, la lectura tiene un… Read more
Abogada Milagro Viene a Chicago
Por: Ashmar Mandou Conocida como la “Abogada de los Milagros”, Alexandra Lozano se especializa en todas las fases de inmigración y la ley de lesiones personales. Con su afán de… Read more
La Liga ComEd de Teatros de Chicago Otorga $160,000 en Subsidios
Después de dos años de interrupciones debido a la pandemia, las presentaciones en vivo y los teatros regresan al norte de Illinois. Para aumentar el acceso a las artes en… Read more
Casi 60 H.S. Graduados de los Sectores Sur y Oeste Reciben Becas de los Clubs Union League Boys & Girls
Al comenzar el año académico 2022-23, 57 graduados de Secundaria, actuales y recientes, provenientes de los sectores sur y oeste de Chicago han recibido $210,600 (total) en becas financieras otorgadas… Read more
Why is Florida Rejecting the Venezuelan Refugees?
By Daniel Nardini Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, despite his anti-Communist stance, will not allow Venezuelan refugees into Florida. One of the largest groups of refugees at the U.S.-Mexico border right… Read more »