Author Archives: Editor
Gov. Pritzker Signs Legislation Bolstering Access to Healthy Food in Schools
State of Illinois signed legislation to increase access to healthy food options in schools across the state, providing Illinois children with the well-rounded, nutritious meals necessary to maintaining a healthy… Read more
July is Extreme Heat Safety Month
The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is sharing tips to beat the heat because July is Extreme Heat Safety Month. “We’ve already had 100 °+ temperatures for several days in… Read more
Gov. Pritzker Signs Legislation to Expand Access to Higher Education
Governor JB Pritzker signed legislation designed to increase access to Illinois’ higher education system, close equity gaps, and improve student protections and operational effectiveness. The bills expand resources available to… Read more
Mayor Lightfoot, CTA and CPS Announce ‘CTA Elevating Futures Scholarship Fund’ Student Winners for 2022-2023
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr., CPS CEO Pedro Martinez and Walsh-Fluor Design-Build Team announced that two Chicago Public School seniors have been awarded scholarships from… Read more
Women’s Advisory Council Releases Report on Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Women in Chicago
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot’s Women’s Advisory Council (WAC), in partnership with World Business Chicago, Women Employed, and Civic Consulting Alliance, published Creating a More Equitable Recovery: Addressing the Economic Barriers… Read more
Pritzker Signs CROWN Act into Law Protecting Against Hair Discrimination
Governor Pritzker signed the CROWN Act into law, codifying protections for Illinoisans discriminated against due to hairstyles historically associated with specific racial groups. The act, which stands for Create a… Read more
Rita Encuentra Casa
El Joffrey Ballet se enorgullece en presentar la premiere mundial de Rita Finds Home, programa familiar y proyecto colaborativo entre el Joffrey y Miami City Ballet, que hará su debut… Read more
Ford se une a la Manifestación del Domingo Frente a la Cárcel del Condado de Cook para Enfatizar la Necesidad de Reducir la Reincidencia
La Rep. Estatal La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, se unió a la conferencia de prensa y manifestación de “Día de la Independencia de Ciudadanos que Regresan” el domingo, 3 de… Read more
Funcionarios Reaccionan a la Tragedia del 4 de Julio en Highland Park
Por: Ashmar Mandou Los funcionarios electos dieron la voz tras el tiroteo masivo que tuvo lugar en el desfile del 4 de julio de Highland Park el lunes, que hasta… Read more
Alt-Right On the March
By Daniel Nardini There seems to be no real political center anymore. The Democratic Party in so many ways has been infiltrated by organizations on the political left. The Republican… Read more »