Author Archives: Editor
CDPH y el Centro de Coordinación de Seguridad Comunitaria Lanzan Entrenamiento en Destrezas de Salud Mental
Este verano, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH) y el Centro de Coordinación de Seguridad Comunitaria (CSCC) en colaboración con The Center for Healing and Justice through Sport… Read more
Se Amplía la Línea de Crisis de Salud Mental
Por: Ashmar Mandou Entre la contínua batalla para atender los problemas de salud mental que afectan a los residentes, la Ciudad de Chicago anunció que el Programa de Participación y… Read more
Regresa Taste of Chicago
El Departamento de Asuntos Culturales y Eventos Especiales (DCASE) se complace en anunciar el programa de venta de comida y entretenimiento para el Taste of Chicago 2022, presentado por John… Read more
Homebuyer Expo Ayuda a Residentes Locales de Chicago
Spanish Coalition for Housing (SCH) y US Bank (Patrocinador Presentador) será el anfitrión de la mayor exposición Homebuyer Expo – Camino a su Casa el sábado, junio 18, de 10… Read more
Joffrey Ballet Presenta Don Quijote para Cerrar la Temporada 2021-2022
Después de haber pospuesto en febrero, debido al COVID-19, Joffrey Ballet orgullosamente presenta el clasico internacional Don Quijote, por primera vez desde su premier mundial en el 2011. Con coreografía… Read more
City Releases One Year Assessment of ‘Our City, Our Safety’ Violence Reduction Plan
On Monday the City of Chicago’s Office of Public Safety (MOPS), and the Community Safety Coordination Center (CSCC) released the One Year Assessment of the City of Chicago’s ‘Our City,… Read more
MCA Chicago Brings Back Tuesdays on the Terrace
Beginning Tuesday, June 7th, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA) is excited to bring back Tuesdays on the Terrace for the first time since 2019. Hosted by Al Carter… Read more
Memorial Day Fun
By: Ashmar Mandou We enter the unofficial start of summer in Chicago with outdoor music festivals, firework displays, numerous parades, and movies in the park. If you are still scrambling… Read more
Rep. Hernandez Seeking Applicants for Internships
To encourage civic engagement and service to others, the office of state Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, is accepting applications for paid summer internships. “An internship in my office is… Read more
Sheriff’s Office’s Community Resource Center Serves as Bridge to Connect Teens to Mental Health Services
As the number of juveniles in need of mental health services continues to increase, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind teens and their loved ones that the Sheriff’s… Read more