Author Archives: Editor
Villanueva: Schools Should Offer Instruction on Citizenship
So students better understand the naturalization process, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) passed legislation in the Senate Education Committee that would allow schools to offer courses on naturalization and citizenship…. Read more
CPS, City Colleges Unveil New Career-Focused Program
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) announced that a new pilot will expand healthcare programming to eight CPS high schools as part of the Chicago Roadmap, an… Read more
‘The Future Depends on Teachers’ Campaign Aims to Inspire
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), in partnership with TEACH, announced a new PSA campaign for K-12 public schools. The campaign, titled “The Future Depends on Teachers,” celebrates the… Read more
Elite Transit Solutions Expands Presence in Fulton Market
Elite Transit Solutions (ELITE) announced they will be expanding in Chicago, becoming its new central hub. Michael Johnson, CEO of ELITE, signed a multi-year office lease for 9,000 square feet… Read more
Chicago Alfresco Begins this Summer
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Choose Chicago on Tuesday announced that applications from 15 community organizations have been approved to participate in the first round of the City’s… Read more
Un Paso más Cerca de la Transparencia de CPD
Por: Ashmar Mandou En un esfuerzo por remediar el discernimiento entre el Departamento de Policía de Chicago y los activistas locales, la Oficina de la Alcaldesa, junto con el Director… Read more
Lollapalooza Regresa a Chicago
La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot y los organizadores de Lollapalooza están entusiasmados de anunciar que el festival clase mundial regresará a Grant Park en toda su capacidad, del 29 de… Read more
El Equipo de Ajedrez de la Cárcel del Condado de Cook Ocupa el Segundo Lugar en el Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez
Siete personas en custodia en la Cárcel del Condado de Cook compitieron esta mañana en el torneo internacional de ajedrez contra personas en custodia en Armenia, España y Rusia, anunció… Read more
Que Pasa en Chicago
Recopilado por Ashmar Mandou Prende el Verano Via Livestream Gratis Sábado, 22 de mayo Prepárate para el 7º evento anual ‘Switch on Summer’ de ComEd, que celebra el comienzo… Read more
Freeing the People Immune to the Pandemic
By Daniel Nardini As the number of people who have been completely vaccinated against the corona virus increases, it is hoped that the current laws for people being required for… Read more »