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Diverse Chicago Advisory Redistricting Commission to Launch Ward Map Work with Chicagoans

Diverse Chicago Advisory Redistricting Commission to Launch Ward Map Work with Chicagoans

After accepting, reviewing and interviewing applications from a pool of 430 Chicagoans in an extensive process, the independent selection committee for the Chicago Advisory Redistricting Commission has named thirteen Chicagoans… Read more »

First Phase of Affordable Townhome Community Complete in East Garfield Park

First Phase of Affordable Townhome Community Complete in East Garfield Park

Structured Development joined Ald. Walter Burnett Jr., representatives from the Chicago Community Land Trust (CCLT) and other project partners for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the completion of the first… Read more »

Senate and House Democrats Propose New Supreme Court Boundaries

Senate and House Democrats Propose New Supreme Court Boundaries

The Senate and House Redistricting Committees released a proposed map of new Illinois Supreme Court boundaries to bring them into compliance with the Illinois Constitution by reflecting population shifts over… Read more »

La Comisión Asesora de Redistribución de Distritos de Chicago Trabajan los Mapas de Distrito con los Habitantes de Chicago

La Comisión Asesora de Redistribución de Distritos de Chicago Trabajan los Mapas de Distrito con los Habitantes de Chicago

Después de aceptar, revisar y entrevistar solicitudes de un grupo de 430 residentes de Chicago en extensivo proceso, el comité de selección independiente de la Comisión Asesora de Redistribución de… Read more »

Termina la Primera Fase de Casas Adosadas Asequibles en East Garfield Park

Termina la Primera Fase de Casas Adosadas Asequibles en East Garfield Park

Structured Development se unió al Concejal Walter Burnett Jr., y a representantes de Chicago Community Land Trust (CCLT) y otros afiliados al proyecto para una ceremonia del corte de cinta… Read more »

Los Demócratas y el Senado Proponen Nuevos Límites de la Suprema Corte

Los Demócratas y el Senado Proponen Nuevos Límites de la Suprema Corte

Los comités de redistribución de distritos del Senado y la Cámara publicaron un propuesto mapa de los nuevos límites de la Suprema Corte de Illinois, para cumplir con la Constitución… Read more »

Ortiz Sponsors Progressive Immigration Bill, Pandemic Rental Assistance, and School Recess Regulations

Ortiz Sponsors Progressive Immigration Bill, Pandemic Rental Assistance, and School Recess Regulations

State Rep. Aarón Ortíz, D-Chicago, has worked to pass legislation that will protect immigrants from detainment, issue urgent housing assistance, and provide students K-5 with time dedicated for recreational activities… Read more »

Hernandez Promotes Immigration Rights, Education, for Working Families

Hernandez Promotes Immigration Rights, Education, for Working Families

State Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, has worked hard to develop measures that protect immigrants, advance the creation of a media literacy curriculum in schools, and provide housing relief for… Read more »

Peters: Parents have the right to know what’s going on at their kids’ schools

Peters: Parents have the right to know what’s going on at their kids’ schools

The Illinois State Senate approved a measure sponsored by State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) that would increase transparency around misconduct and discipline at Chicago Public schools. “Parents lose the ability… Read more »

Ortiz Patrocina Proyecto de Ley de Inmigración Progresiva, Asistencia para la Renta Pandémica y Regulaciones para el Recreo Escolar

Ortiz Patrocina Proyecto de Ley de Inmigración Progresiva, Asistencia para la Renta Pandémica y Regulaciones para el Recreo Escolar

El Rep. Estatal Aarón Ortiz, D-Chicago, ha luchado por aprobar una legislación que protegerá a los inmigrantes de la detención, dará asistencia urgente para la vivienda y dará a los… Read more »