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Gov. Pritzker, Coursera Launch New Workforce Recovery Initiative

Gov. Pritzker, Coursera Launch New Workforce Recovery Initiative

Governor JB Pritzker announced the launch of free online career training geared toward helping Illinoisans who have lost their jobs due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through… Read more »

City Announces ‘Chicago Resiliency Fund’

City Announces ‘Chicago Resiliency Fund’

By: Ashmar Mandou On Wednesday, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, The Resurrection Project and Open Society Foundations announced the “Chicago Resiliency Fund” – an up to $5 million cash assistance program to… Read more »

Cook County Board Announces Recovery Fund for Small Businesses, Independent Contractors

Cook County Board Announces Recovery Fund for Small Businesses, Independent Contractors

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced that applications are now open for the Community Recovery Loan Fund.  Launched as part of the Bureau of Economic Development’s Community Recovery Initiative, the… Read more »

Pritzker Administration Distributes Thousands of Face Masks to Businesses to Help Restart Economy

Pritzker Administration Distributes Thousands of Face Masks to Businesses to Help Restart Economy

As some employees begin to return to the workplace in Phase 3 of Governor Pritzker’s Restore Illinois plan, face coverings will be a key tool to keeping workers healthy and… Read more »

El gobernador Pritzker y Coursera lanzan una nueva iniciativa de recuperación de la fuerza laboral

El gobernador Pritzker y Coursera lanzan una nueva iniciativa de recuperación de la fuerza laboral

El gobernador JB Pritzker anunció el lanzamiento de capacitación profesional gratuita en línea orientada a ayudar a los habitantes de Illinois que han perdido sus empleos debido al impacto económico… Read more »

La Ciudad Anuncia el “Fondo de Recuperación de Chicago”

La Ciudad Anuncia el “Fondo de Recuperación de Chicago”

Por: Ashmar Mandou El miércoles, la alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot, The Resurrection Project y Open Society Foundations anunciaron el “Fondo de Recuperación de Chicago”, un programa de asistencia en efectivo… Read more »

$9.5 M in Grants Awarded to Combat Health and Financial Disparities Magnified by COVID-19

$9.5 M in Grants Awarded to Combat Health and Financial Disparities Magnified by COVID-19

In response to COVID-19’s continuous impact on Chicago residents and the local economy, the Chicago Community COVID-19 Respond Fund announced an additional $9.5 million in grants. Funds will support 194… Read more »

Chicago Cultural Alliance Welcomes New Executive Director

Chicago Cultural Alliance Welcomes New Executive Director

The Chicago Cultural Alliance, a non-profit organization that promotes, supports, and connects museums and centers of cultural heritage, announced that Peter Vega will serve as new Executive Director as the… Read more »

City of Chicago Restores Access to Central Business District

City of Chicago Restores Access to Central Business District

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced restored access to the Central Business District and Loop, to prepare the city for reopening. While full access to the area will be reintroduced for… Read more »

La ciudad de Chicago restaura el acceso al distrito central de negocios

La ciudad de Chicago restaura el acceso al distrito central de negocios

La alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot anunció el acceso restaurado al Distrito Central de Negocios y al Loop, para preparar la ciudad para la reapertura. Si bien se restablecerá el acceso… Read more »