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El Teatro Ramova de Bridgeport Recibe Apoyo TIF

El Teatro Ramova de Bridgeport Recibe Apoyo TIF

Por: Ashmar Mandou El Teatro Ramova, de Bridgeport, vacante por mucho tiempo, se rehabilitaría como parte de un complejo de entretenimiento y gastronomía de $ 22.9 millones a través de… Read more »

Extienden la Fecha Límite para la Exención de Ciudadanos Mayores

Extienden la Fecha Límite para la Exención de Ciudadanos Mayores

El Asesor del Condado de Cook, Fritz Kaegi, extendió la fecha límite para las Exenciones de Congelamiento Senior y Ciudadanos Mayores hasta el viernes, 28 de febrero del 2020, por… Read more »

‘Servir a mi Comunidad es mi Pasión’

‘Servir a mi Comunidad es mi Pasión’

Por: Ashmar Mandou De acuerdo a Point in Time, (PIT), en enero del 2017, cerca de 6,000 personas fueron identificadas como desamparadas en Chicago, tema recién seleccionado por el director… Read more »

‘Repudiamos Esta Campaña de Intimidación’

‘Repudiamos Esta Campaña de Intimidación’

Por: Ashmar Mandou Un grupo de oficiales electos se reunieron el martes por la mañana en el Museo Nacional de Arte Mexicano para denunciar el reciente anuncio del Presidente Trump… Read more »

Trump Libera a Blagojevich de la Prisión

Trump Libera a Blagojevich de la Prisión

Pie de Foto de Ashmar Mandou El Presidente DonaldTrump perdonó el jueves al ex Gobernador de Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, quien fue convicto por corrupción pública. La conmutación de 14 años… Read more »

Love in The Time of Taxes: How Your Marital Status Affects Your Taxes?

Love in The Time of Taxes: How Your Marital Status Affects Your Taxes?

Courtesy of TurboTax Edited by Lawndale Bilingual News February has arrived and with it comes Valentine’s Day. Have you ever stopped and thought about how your relationships affect you economically… Read more »

Ladder Up Kicks Off Tax Season with Free Help for Thousands of Taxpayers

Ladder Up Kicks Off Tax Season with Free Help for Thousands of Taxpayers

Ladder Up, a non-profit organization providing free tax-return preparation for eligible low- income individuals, has kicked off the 2020 tax season with the opening of most of its community tax… Read more »

Ways to Transform Your Side Gig into Your Main Show

Ways to Transform Your Side Gig into Your Main Show

If you try to make a buck on the side with an extra job that inspires you but doesn’t really pay the bills, you’ll likely hear this sobering and uninspiring… Read more »

Matteson, Park Forest, and Richton Park Partner with RTA to Find Mobility Solutions

Matteson, Park Forest, and Richton Park Partner with RTA to Find Mobility Solutions

The Villages of Matteson, Park Forest, and Richton Park, in partnership with the RTA, recently launched a Transportation Alternatives Study to identify mobility barriers and solutions in these communities. The… Read more »

Il Dept. of Human Services, UIC, CommunityConnect Labs Partner for Census to Count Hard-to-Reach Communities

Il Dept. of Human Services, UIC, CommunityConnect Labs Partner for Census to Count Hard-to-Reach Communities

Building on a $29 million investment by Governor Pritzker and the General Assembly in preparation for the 2020 census, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) has entered into an… Read more »