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Nonprofit Lender to Offer Financial Coaching to Low-Income Families in Illinois

Nonprofit Lender to Offer Financial Coaching to Low-Income Families in Illinois

The 13 percent of Illinois households that fall below the poverty level have a new resource to help them build their credit and avoid high interest loans that can cripple their finances. Capital… Read more »

City Appoints New Director of Workforce Strategy

City Appoints New Director of Workforce Strategy

By: Ashmar Mandou Earlier this week, the City appointed Alberto Ortega as Director of Workforce Strategy and Business Engagement, a role that will require the implementation of a new workforce… Read more »

IDOR recuerda a las empresas de Illinois del crédito tributario por salario mínimo disponible este año

IDOR recuerda a las empresas de Illinois del crédito tributario por salario mínimo disponible este año

El Departamento de Ingresos de Illinois (IDOR) está recordando a las pequeñas empresas que pueden utilizar el Crédito de Salario Mínimo a partir del 1 de enero de 2020. El… Read more »

Illinois pierde millones debido a la migración

Illinois pierde millones debido a la migración

Illinois está perdiendo miles de millones cada año a medida que los residentes se van y llevan consigo su potencial de ingresos. El análisis original del Instituto de Políticas de… Read more »

Prestamista sin fines de lucro para ofrecer asesoría financiera a familias de bajos ingresos en Illinois

Prestamista sin fines de lucro para ofrecer asesoría financiera a familias de bajos ingresos en Illinois

El 13 por ciento de los hogares de Illinois que caen por debajo del nivel de pobreza tienen un nuevo recurso para ayudarlos a construir su crédito y evitar préstamos… Read more »

La ciudad nombra nuevo director de estrategia de fuerza laboral

La ciudad nombra nuevo director de estrategia de fuerza laboral

Por: Ashmar Mandou A principios de esta semana, la Ciudad nombró a Alberto Ortega como Director de Estrategia de la Fuerza Laboral y Participación Empresarial, un rol que requerirá la… Read more »

Mayor Lightfoot Submits Letter of Consent for Refugee Resettlement in Chicago

Mayor Lightfoot Submits Letter of Consent for Refugee Resettlement in Chicago

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot submitted a letter to the U.S. Department of State consenting to refugee resettlement in Chicago and opposing federal policies seeking to limit refugee entry to the… Read more »

City Creates Community Advisory Council for Lincoln Yards

City Creates Community Advisory Council for Lincoln Yards

By: Ashmar Mandou Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, with the support of Alderman Brian Hopkins (2nd) and developer Sterling Bay, announced the formation of a Community Advisory Council (CAC) that will… Read more »

Five Strategies That Can Take Your Business from Pretender to Contender

Five Strategies That Can Take Your Business from Pretender to Contender

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” That quote, attributed to Benjamin Franklin, summarizes why some businesses and other endeavors fall short and end up in the scrap… Read more »

Baby On the Way? Your Financial Habits May Need a Makeover

Baby On the Way? Your Financial Habits May Need a Makeover

First-time parents quickly learn that their days of a full night’s sleep and spontaneous outings are a thing of the past, compelling them to modify their lifestyle to reflect the… Read more »