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City Reveals First Set of Comprehensive Fines, Fees Reforms

City Reveals First Set of Comprehensive Fines, Fees Reforms

City announced plans to introduce legislation addressing residents’ vehicle ticket debt at the upcoming City Council meeting.  The new policies aim to change enforcement practices and provide residents with relief… Read more »

Census Test Survey Includes Citizenship Question: Increases Confusion and Fear in Immigrant Communities

Census Test Survey Includes Citizenship Question: Increases Confusion and Fear in Immigrant Communities

In a period of constant threats of increased ICE arrests and raids, an entire housing complex of Latinos in North Carolina have been asked to fill out a Census Test… Read more »

Trump Administration Bans Asylum Seekers

Trump Administration Bans Asylum Seekers

Refuge For Families, a transnational initiative to address and develop a humane and unified movement responsive to the plight of migrants along the Central America-US corridor, condemns any further moves… Read more »

El Gob. Pritzker Firma Dos Nuevos Proyectos de Ley Protegiendo a la Juventud Inmigrante

El Gob. Pritzker Firma Dos Nuevos Proyectos de Ley Protegiendo a la Juventud Inmigrante

Por Ashmar Mandou Abogados de los derechos de los inmigrantes y legisladores estatales estuvieron el martes junto con el Gobernador JB Pritzker mientras firmaba dos nuevos proyectos de ley para… Read more »

‘No Hay Lugar Para Racistas’

‘No Hay Lugar Para Racistas’

Por: Ashmar Mandou Organizaciones pro derechos de los inmigrantes y manifestantes con letreros diciendo”no hay lugar para racistas”, formaron una vigilia el martes, fuera del simposio comercial anual de Aduanas… Read more »

Encuesta de la Prueba del Censo Incluye la Pregunta de Ciudadanía: Confusión y Temor en las Comunidades Inmigrantes

Encuesta de la Prueba del Censo Incluye la Pregunta de Ciudadanía: Confusión y Temor en las Comunidades Inmigrantes

En un período de constantes amenazas del aumento de arrestos y redadas de ICE a un complejo de vivienda de latinos en Carolina del Norte se les pidió que llenaran… Read more »

Pappas: ‘Senior citizens owed as much as $45 million in unclaimed Cook County property tax exemptions’

Pappas: ‘Senior citizens owed as much as $45 million in unclaimed Cook County property tax exemptions’

As many as 26,500 senior citizens could save a total of $45 million on their Cook County property tax bills due August 1, 2019, by applying now for exemptions they… Read more »

City Announces Additional Protections, Resources for Immigrant, Refugee Communities

City Announces Additional Protections, Resources for Immigrant, Refugee Communities

City Hall announced a package of executive actions to provide additional protections and resources for Chicago’s immigrant and refugee communities in response to the reported targeted deportation raids by Immigration… Read more »

City Announces Next Steps for New Chicago Casino

City Announces Next Steps for New Chicago Casino

During a City Council meeting on Wednesday, first steps toward the development of a new casino for the City of Chicago with consent on the selection of an independent consultant… Read more »

Latino Caucus to Highlight Key Illinois Immigrant Protections at Daley Plaza Rally

Latino Caucus to Highlight Key Illinois Immigrant Protections at Daley Plaza Rally

State Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, D-Cicero, State Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Chicago, and fellow members of the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus joined an estimated crowd of 10,000 people to draw attention… Read more »