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City Council Approves Changes to Council Rules

City Council Approves Changes to Council Rules

By: Ashmar Mandou The Chicago City Council on Wednesday approved changes proposed by Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot to revise City Council’s Rules of Order and Procedure and created new City… Read more »

Barra Política

Barra Política

Recopilada por Ashmar Mandou Barra Política es un resumen semanal de comentarios de funcionarios electos del área de Chicago que tratan temas éticos que afectan a sus comunidades. Robinson Aprueba… Read more »

Concejales Recién Elegidos Introducen una Ordenanza para un Consejo de Responsabilidad de la Policía Civil

Concejales Recién Elegidos Introducen una Ordenanza para un Consejo de Responsabilidad de la Policía Civil

El miércoles, diecises recién concejales recientemente elegidos, introdujeron una nueva ordenanza para un Concejo de Responsabilidad de la Policía Civil en el Concilio de la Ciudad. Más de 60,000 personas… Read more »

La Alcaldesa Lightfoot Lanza la Iniciativa ‘Nuestra Ciudad, Nuestra Seguridad’

La Alcaldesa Lightfoot Lanza la Iniciativa ‘Nuestra Ciudad, Nuestra Seguridad’

La Alcaldesa Lori E. Lightfoot se unió a los departamentos y agencias de la ciudad para lanzar una iniciativa de la ciudad “Nuestra Ciudad. Nuestra Seguridad”, para promover más de… Read more »

West Side street vendors write a memo to the mayor about their need for city support during On the Table

West Side street vendors write a memo to the mayor about their need for city support during On the Table

By: Princess-India Alexander On Tuesday, May 14 The Chicago Community Trust held its On the Table, an annual day where Chicagoans join across the city to have a meal and discuss… Read more »

Mayor Lightfoot Announces Key Senior Staff Positions

Mayor Lightfoot Announces Key Senior Staff Positions

Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced several key staff who will serve in leadership positions in her administration. “We are hitting the ground running with a talented team of public servants… Read more »

Mayor Lightfoot Signs First Executive Order to Limit Aldermanic Prerogative

Mayor Lightfoot Signs First Executive Order to Limit Aldermanic Prerogative

In her first hours after being sworn in as the 56th Mayor of the City of Chicago, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot signed her first Executive Order instructing departments to end… Read more »

Castro Bill Bans Employers from Asking Applicant’s Salary History

Castro Bill Bans Employers from Asking Applicant’s Salary History

The Illinois Senate voted to approve Senator Cristina Castro’s (D-Elgin) legislation strengthening the Illinois Equal Pay Act. House Bill 834 would prohibit employers from asking about salary histories when interviewing… Read more »

Negotiations Continue on Property Tax Reform Bill

Negotiations Continue on Property Tax Reform Bill

House Assistant Majority Leader Will Davis, Revenue Committee Chairman Mike Zalewski, and Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi met Tuesday afternoon with representatives of labor unions and industry interest groups to… Read more »

La Alcaldesa Lightfoot Anuncia Posiciones Clave De Personal Senior

La Alcaldesa Lightfoot Anuncia Posiciones Clave De Personal Senior

La alcaldesa Lori E. Lightgoot anunció varias posiciones clave que fungirán en posiciones de liderazgo en su administración. Estamos empezando a funcionar con un talentoso equipo de servidores públicos listos… Read more »