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Sandoval Passes Measure to Help Stop Drunk Driving in Illinois

Sandoval Passes Measure to Help Stop Drunk Driving in Illinois

­State Senator Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago) passed a measure last Wednesday that would create a grant program aimed at preventing DUI offenses and supporting victims involved in DUI-related crashes. “The… Read more »

Gov. Pritzker, Business Leaders Release Economic Development Report to Build Workforce

Gov. Pritzker, Business Leaders Release Economic Development Report to Build Workforce

Governor JB Pritzker released a report detailing ideas to improve employment opportunities for Illinois residents, especially those in underserved communities. The governor took immediate action to advance one of the… Read more »

Comcast Propels Business in Back of the Yards, Bridgeport Neighborhoods

Comcast Propels Business in Back of the Yards, Bridgeport Neighborhoods

Three years ago, Comcast Business added more than five miles of fiber optic network to Chicago’s Back of the Yards and Bridgeport neighborhoods. The network delivers internet speeds of up… Read more »

Commissioner Anaya Responds to Chicago Inspector General Report on CPD Gang Database

Commissioner Anaya Responds to Chicago Inspector General Report on CPD Gang Database

“Last week, the City of Chicago Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released its long-awaited report detailing the findings of its investigation into the Chicago Police Department’s (CPD) gang database…. Read more »

Solicitudes Abiertas para ThinkChicago: Lollapalooza

Solicitudes Abiertas para ThinkChicago: Lollapalooza

ThinkChicago: Lollapalooza está aceptando solicitudes para la séptima entrega anual del programa premier de la ciudad, que conecta talentos emergentes con la escena tecnológica de Chicago. El Alcalde Emanuel, World… Read more »

Sandoval Aprueba Medida para Ayudar a Detener a Conductores Ebrios en Illinois

Sandoval Aprueba Medida para Ayudar a Detener a Conductores Ebrios en Illinois

El Senador Estatal Martín A. Sandoval (D-Chicago) aprobó una medida el pasado miércoles que crearía un programa de subsidios destinado a prevenir ofensas de DUI y apoyar a las víctimas… Read more »

El Gobernador Pritzker y Líderes Empresariales Publican Reporte de Desarrollo Económico para Establecer Fuerza Laboral

El Gobernador Pritzker y Líderes Empresariales Publican Reporte de Desarrollo Económico para Establecer Fuerza Laboral

El Gobernador JB Pritzker publicó un reporte detallando ideas para mejorar las oportunidades de empleo para los residentes de Illinois, especialmente de aquellos en comunidades marginadas. El gobernador actuó inmediatamente… Read more »

Comcast Impulsa los Negocios en los Barrios de Back of the Yards y Bridgeport

Comcast Impulsa los Negocios en los Barrios de Back of the Yards y Bridgeport

Hace tres años, Comcast Business agregó más de cinco millas de red de fibra óptica a los barrios de Back of the Yards y Bridgeport de Chicago. La red entrega… Read more »

Tax Reform Bill SB 1379 Passes Illinois Senate in Bi-Partisan Vote

Tax Reform Bill SB 1379 Passes Illinois Senate in Bi-Partisan Vote

Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi announced that SB 1379, the Data Modernization Bill, led by Senator Toi Hutchinson (D-40), passed the Illinois Senate in a bi-partisan vote of 36-16-1. The… Read more »

IRS Dispels Myths About Tax Refunds

IRS Dispels Myths About Tax Refunds

As the April tax-filing deadline approaches, the Internal Revenue Service understands that taxpayers are anxious to get details about their tax refunds. This has led to a number of common… Read more »