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Attorneys Receive ‘Top Lawyer’ Honors

Attorneys Receive ‘Top Lawyer’ Honors

The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) announced the exceptional attorneys who have been selected to receive the prestigious “HNBA Top Lawyers Under 40” Award. After a rigorous review process, the… Read more »

25a Entrega Anual de los Premios Sor Juana a Mujeres Triunfantes

25a Entrega Anual de los Premios Sor Juana a Mujeres Triunfantes

El Museo Nacional de Arte Mexicano honró a mujeres de extraordinarios logros artísticos y sociales el viernes, 22 de marzo, en la Entrega de Premios Sor Juana a Mujeres Triunfantes…. Read more »

Cientos de Eventos Gratuitos en la Semana Money Smart del 2019

Cientos de Eventos Gratuitos en la Semana Money Smart del 2019

El Banco de la Reserva Federal de Chicago anunció que Money Smart Week – campaña nacional que ofrece miles de eventos gratuitos para ayudar a los consumidores a manejar mejor… Read more »

La Rep. Hernández Toma Estrictas Medidas Contra los Centros de Detención con Fines de Lucro

La Rep. Hernández Toma Estrictas Medidas Contra los Centros de Detención con Fines de Lucro

La Rep. Estatal Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández, D-Cicero, envía un mensaje diciendo que Illinois no ayudará a avanzar la política de inmigración de Donald Trump, presentando una legislación que prohibiría ofertas… Read more »

La Barra de Abogados Latinos Combate el Fraude EN las Elecciones en el Distrito 25

La Barra de Abogados Latinos Combate el Fraude EN las Elecciones en el Distrito 25

La Asociación de Abogados Hispanos de Illinois (HLAI) y la Asociación de la Barra Puertorriqueña de Illinois (PRBA) anunciaron quE enviarán más de 20 aboGados a las casetas de votación… Read more »

Consumers Across America Empowered to Potentially Boost Their Credit Score

Consumers Across America Empowered to Potentially Boost Their Credit Score

In a game-changing move that many expect will significantly improve financial inclusion for millions of Americans, Experian launched Experian Boost, a first-of-its-kind financial tool. Experian Boost, which is available at… Read more »

Local Officials Top Off Construction at Chicago Veterans’ Home

Local Officials Top Off Construction at Chicago Veterans’ Home

After years of delay due to the budget impasse, the Chicago Veterans’ Home hit a major construction milestone, with Gov. JB Pritzker joining federal, state and local officials for a… Read more »

United Center to Introduce New Cutting-Edge Scoreboard and Sound System

United Center to Introduce New Cutting-Edge Scoreboard and Sound System

The United Center Joint Venture announced that a new state-of-the-art scoreboard and fully immersive arena audio system will debut for the start of the 2019-2020 season. The project is the… Read more »

Attorney General Raoul Announces Settlements with Four Fast Food Chains

Attorney General Raoul Announces Settlements with Four Fast Food Chains

Attorney General Kwame Raoul, as part of a coalition of 14 attorneys general, announced settlements under which four national fast food franchisors will cease using “no-poach” agreements, which restrict the… Read more »

New Poll Shows Strong Support for Governor Pritzker’s Fair Tax

New Poll Shows Strong Support for Governor Pritzker’s Fair Tax

This week, Think Big Illinois released a new poll showing that Governor Pritzker’s fair tax plan has broad support from Illinoisans across the state. When voters hear a basic explanation… Read more »