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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $300M in Awards for Sustainable Aviation Fuels and Technologies
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is announcing $291 million from the Inflation Reduction Act for projects that will help achieve the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from aviation by… Read more
Attorney General Raoul Charges Two Chicago Police Officers, Former Assistant State’s Attorney with Theft, Misconduct
Attorney General Kwame Raoul announced charges against two Chicago police officers and a former Cook County assistant state’s attorney over their alleged participation in a scheme to fraudulently collect more… Read more
Crecimiento del Turismo en el 2023
El Departamento de Comercio y Oportunidades Económicas de Illinois (DCEO), Oficina de Turismo, anunció que Illinois dió la bienvenida a 112 millones de visitantes domésticos e internacionales que gastaron $47… Read more
Lisa Hernández Elogia Nueva Ley que Elimina Impuesto a Comestibles
Una medida respaldada por la representante Estatal Elizabeth ‘Lisa” Hernández, D-Cicero, que cortaría los costos en la tienda de comestibles y ahorraría a los contribuyentes más dinero, quedó convertida en… Read more
El Fiscal General Raoul Acusa a dos Oficiales de Policía de Chicago y a un ex Fiscal Estatal Adjunto de Robo y Mala Conducta
El Fiscal General Kwame Raoul anunció cargos contra dos oficiales de policía de Chicago y un ex fiscal estatal adjunto del condado de Cook por su presunta participación en un… Read more
Mayor Brandon Johnson Joins City Leaders, Partners for Grand Re-Opening of CTA Green Line Station
Mayor Brandon Johnson joined 27th Ward Alderman Walter Burnett, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) President Dorval R. Carter, Jr., Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) Commissioner Tom Carney and Near West Side… Read more
City of Chicago Issues Request for Proposal for Small Business, Non-Profit Support Grant Program
The City of Chicago and the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Small Business and Not-For-Profit Support Grant Program…. Read more
Villanueva Law Protects the DNA Rights of Crime Victims
State Senator Celina Villanueva championed a new law to provide additional protection to crime victims. “This law protects survivors’ rights as they make the delicate decision to seek justice by… Read more
Citi to Open First Chicago Branch in 10+ Years in Pilsen
Citi is opening its first new Chicago branch in more than a decade at 2503 W Cermak Road., Pilsen neighborhood. The state-of-the-art 2,536-square-foot space will offer Citi’s full array of… Read more
La ley de Villanueva protege los derechos de ADN de las víctimas de delitos
La senadora estatal Celina Villanueva defendió una nueva ley para brindar protección adicional a las víctimas de delitos. “Esta ley protege los derechos de los sobrevivientes cuando toman la delicada… Read more