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Berrios, Asesor del Condado, el Senador Hastings y Brown, Director de Asuntos del Veterano del Condado de Cook Presentan Seminario de Ayuda a los Veteranos

Berrios, Asesor del Condado, el Senador Hastings y Brown, Director de Asuntos del Veterano del Condado de Cook Presentan Seminario de Ayuda a los Veteranos

El Asesor del Condado de Cook, Joseph Berrios, anunció que su oficina presentará un Seminario de Exenciones de Impuestos de Propiedad a Veternos, con el Senador Michael Hastings y el… Read more »

CTA Announces Completion of Wilson Station Reconstruction Project

CTA Announces Completion of Wilson Station Reconstruction Project

CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr. and city officials announced the completion of the Wilson Station Reconstruction Project, which has entirely transformed a nearly 100-year-old station in Uptown into a… Read more »

Illinois Commerce Commission Approves Lower Rate Increase than Requested by Nicor Gas

Illinois Commerce Commission Approves Lower Rate Increase than Requested by Nicor Gas

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) issued an order approving approximately $137.1 million in additional revenue for Northern Illinois Gas Company’s (Nicor Gas), which figure is about 38 percent less than… Read more »

Madigan: Let Illinois Workers Keep Their Tips

Madigan: Let Illinois Workers Keep Their Tips

Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed comments in opposition to a proposal by the federal government that would rescind a rule protecting hourly workers’ tips. Madigan and the attorneys general from California and… Read more »

Fight for $15

Fight for $15

After the Illinois’ State of the State Address, fast food workers, union members and community activists joined forces at the State Capitol to hold anti-worker politician, Governor Bruce Rauner accountable… Read more »

Cook County Designated “SolSmart Bronze” for Advancing Solar Energy Growth

Cook County Designated “SolSmart Bronze” for Advancing Solar Energy Growth

Cook County has received a Bronze designation from the national SolSmart program for making it faster, easier, and more affordable for homes and businesses to go solar. This designation recognizes… Read more »

CHA’s Work in Section 3 program Prompts HUD to Waive Final Year of Compliance Agreement

CHA’s Work in Section 3 program Prompts HUD to Waive Final Year of Compliance Agreement

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has waived the final year of a five-year agreement with the Chicago Housing Authority because of the agency’s outstanding performance and… Read more »

El Trabajo de CHA en el Programa de la Sección 3 Hace que HUD Renuncie al Acuerdo de Cumplimiento del Ultimo Año

El Trabajo de CHA en el Programa de la Sección 3 Hace que HUD Renuncie al Acuerdo de Cumplimiento del Ultimo Año

El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de E.U. (HUD) ha renunciado al último año del acuerdo de cinco años con la Autoridad de la Vivienda de Chicago por el… Read more »

La Comisión de Comercio de Illinois Aprueba Indice más Bajo de Aumento que el Requerido por Nicor Gas

La Comisión de Comercio de Illinois Aprueba Indice más Bajo de Aumento que el Requerido por Nicor Gas

La Comisión de Comercio de Illinois (ICC) expidió una orden aprobando aproximadamente $137.1 millones en ingresos adicionales para Northern Illinois Gas Company’s (Nicor Gas) cuya cifra es aproximadamente 38 por… Read more »

City to Host Free Income Tax Assistance

City to Host Free Income Tax Assistance

Tax Prep Chicago are marking Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day and the official start of tax season by reminding residents to take advantage of the City of Chicago’s free tax assistance… Read more »