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Covenant House Launches Shelter for Homeless Youth in Chicago

Covenant House Launches Shelter for Homeless Youth in Chicago

By: Ashmar Mandou Covenant House International officially opened its first new shelter in over a decade at Lawson House located at 30 W. Chicago Avenue and will provide services exclusively… Read more »

Aquino questions Rauner budget’s commitment to immigrants

Aquino questions Rauner budget’s commitment to immigrants

“We must fight against Trump’s hateful, divisive immigration policy wherever it exists.” –Sen. Omar Aquino In a recent Senate Appropriations Committee meeting, State Sen. Omar Aquino, D-Chicago, questioned Illinois State… Read more »

Gads Hill Center Receives Grant

Gads Hill Center Receives Grant

Gads Hill Center recently received a $50,000 grant through Chicago Tribune Charities, a McCormick Foundation Fund. This two-year grant will support Gads Hill Center’s Building Leaders program. The Building Leaders… Read more »

Global Engineering and Architecture Design Firm Relocates to Chicago

Global Engineering and Architecture Design Firm Relocates to Chicago

Mayor Rahm Emanuel joined global engineering and architecture design consulting firm exp to announce that the company is moving its operational headquarters from the Greater Toronto Area to Chicago. The… Read more »

New Entrepreneurship Center Bolsters Berwyn’s Small Business Community

New Entrepreneurship Center Bolsters Berwyn’s Small Business Community

We’ve all participated in the annual tradition of setting resolutions that challenge ourselves personally – to become more physically fit, save money or take up a hobby. Most successful entrepreneurs… Read more »

Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Announced new pilot program titled Tiny Boots

Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Announced new pilot program titled Tiny Boots

The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) launched the Tiny Boots Child Care Program at the Hines VA Hospital in Chicago. This program provides temporary childcare for any Illinois Veteran… Read more »

Little Village Chamber of Commerce Announces New Board of Directors

Little Village Chamber of Commerce Announces New Board of Directors

The Little Village Chamber of Commerce (LVCC) has announced new changes to its board of directors. Jose Prado, Vice President in Commercial Banking at Associated Bank will serve as board… Read more »

La Cámara de Comercio de La Villita Anuncia Nueva Mesa Directiva

La Cámara de Comercio de La Villita Anuncia Nueva Mesa Directiva

Little Village Chamber of Commerce (LVCC) anunció nuevos cambios a su mesa directiva. José Prado, Vicepresidente de Commercial Banking en Associated Bank será el presidente de la mesa directiva. Prado… Read more »

Nuevo Centro Empresarial Refuerza la Comunidad de Pequeños Negocios de Berwyn

Nuevo Centro Empresarial Refuerza la Comunidad de Pequeños Negocios de Berwyn

Todos hemos participado en la tradición anual de hacer resoluciones que personalmente nos retan – como ponerse en forma, ahorrar dinero y tener un pasatiempo. La mayoría de empresarios exitosos… Read more »

Subsidio a Gads Hill Center

Subsidio a Gads Hill Center

Gads Hill Center recibió recientemente un subsidio de $50,000 a través de Chicago Tribune Charities, Fondo de McCormick Foundation. Este subsidio de dos años apoyará el programa Building Leaders de… Read more »