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El Comercio Consigue Recursos con Programa Financiero de la Ciudad

El Comercio Consigue Recursos con Programa Financiero de la Ciudad

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel anunció el último hito del programa Small Business Opportunity Center (SBOC) de Chicago, que brinda acceso a capital a los barrios comerciales de la ciudad. El… Read more »

Regulador Estatal Reduce Barreras para los Solicitantes Convictos de Crimen

Regulador Estatal Reduce Barreras para los Solicitantes Convictos de Crimen

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (“IDFPR”) anunció haber simplificado las formas para los solicitantes convictos de crimen, para exhortar la participación en el proceso de revisión de solicitantes… Read more »

La Historia a un ‘Click’ de Distancia

La Historia a un ‘Click’ de Distancia

La revolución digital ha cambiado la forma en que la gente se comunica, conduce investigaciones y hace negocios. Con eso en mente, la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad de… Read more »

Community and Consumer Organizations, Solar Companies United in Opposition to Mandatory Demand Charges

Community and Consumer Organizations, Solar Companies United in Opposition to Mandatory Demand Charges

A diverse collection of community and consumer organizations, along with solar companies joined forces on the first day of veto session in Springfield to call on members of the General… Read more »

Saint Anthony Hospital Expands Outreach Services to Ensure Continued Care

Saint Anthony Hospital Expands Outreach Services to Ensure Continued Care

In light of the current election results and uncertainty among the communities that Saint Anthony Hospital serves, the hospital is further expanding its outreach for support services. “No matter what… Read more »

O’Hare Workers Call to Investigate OSHA Violations

O’Hare Workers Call to Investigate OSHA Violations

This week, O’Hare Airport cabin cleaners, baggage handlers, janitors, and wheelchair attendants, joined by Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and SEIU Local 1, outlined major violations of standards set by the… Read more »

Homeowner Workshop in Berwyn

Homeowner Workshop in Berwyn

Realty of Chicago partners with local businesses and the Berwyn Park District to host Berwyn’s “First-Time Home Buyer Workshop” at Proksa Park. Participants will learn the home buying process step-by-step,… Read more »

Half of Illinoisans Leaning on Credit Cards for Their Holiday Purchases

Half of Illinoisans Leaning on Credit Cards for Their Holiday Purchases

When it comes to paying for holiday purchases, more than half of Illinoisans say they plan to use credit cards this year instead of cash or debit cards. The latest… Read more »

HACE and Sage’s GoodTogether® Partner to Help Students

HACE and Sage’s GoodTogether® Partner to Help Students

In partnership with Sage’s GoodTogether®, the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE) will award six laptops to students at Marie Sklodowska Curie Metro High School. “Today, over 18 million homes… Read more »

Organizaciones Comunitarias y del Consumidor y Compañías Solares Unidas en Oposición a Cargos Obligatorios por Demanda

Organizaciones Comunitarias y del Consumidor y Compañías Solares Unidas en Oposición a Cargos Obligatorios por Demanda

Una diversa colección de organizaciones comunitarias y del consumidor, junto con compañías solares, unieron sus fuerzas en el primer día de sesión de veto en Springfield, para pedir a los… Read more »