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Noel Schajris de Sin Bandera Viene a Chicago a Hacer Realidad los Sueños

Noel Schajris de Sin Bandera Viene a Chicago a Hacer Realidad los Sueños

Con su estilo único de música que evoca grandes emociones y se conecta profundamente con la audiencia, Noel Schajris, uno de los dos miembros del gran dúo Sin Bandera, viene… Read more »

Fair Tax Bill Passes Through Springfield Committee

Fair Tax Bill Passes Through Springfield Committee

Members of a house committee approved a plan on Tuesday known as the “fair tax,” that will cut taxes for over 99 precent of Illinois taxpayers and raise $1.9 billion… Read more »

Trailblazer Claudia Telles

Trailblazer Claudia Telles

By: Ashmar Mandou A lack of degree in business did not prohibit Claudia Telles from listening to her entrepreneurial spirit less and creating her very own company, Trailblazing Business, a… Read more »

Cook County Democratic Party Re-elects Joseph Berrios Chairman

Cook County Democratic Party Re-elects Joseph Berrios Chairman

The Cook County Democratic Party on Monday unanimously re-elected Joseph Berrios to a sixth term as its chairman. In addition, the party unanimously re-elected its eight other officers – Toni… Read more »

AARP Survey: Many Hispanic/Latino Voters Dissatisfied with their Retirement Savings

AARP Survey: Many Hispanic/Latino Voters Dissatisfied with their Retirement Savings

In a new AARP survey, eight in ten people age 50-plus say that taking a stand on Social Security is a basic threshold for presidential leadership. The survey of likely… Read more »

1871 Officially Opens Its 3.0 Expansion

1871 Officially Opens Its 3.0 Expansion

1871 proudly opened its new 41,000 square foot expansion. The two-floor technology center and ecosystem is more than 115,000 square feet on the 12th and 13th floors of The Merchandise… Read more »

City Announces Initiative to Improve Reliability of Chicago’s Streetlights

City Announces Initiative to Improve Reliability of Chicago’s Streetlights

The City launched a major initiative to upgrade more than 270,000 of the city’s street, alley and park lights to more reliable and higher-quality lighting. Over the next four years… Read more »

La Pionera Claudia Telles

La Pionera Claudia Telles

Por: Ashmar Mandou La falta de un diploma en finanzas no impidió que Claudia Telles escuchara su espíritu empresarial y creara su propia compañía, Trailblazing Business, negocio que ayuda a… Read more »

Proyecto de Impuesto Justo Aprobado por el Comité de Springfield

Proyecto de Impuesto Justo Aprobado por el Comité de Springfield

Miembros de un comité de la cámara aprobaron el martes un plan, conocido como “Impuesto Justo”, que cortará los impuestos para más del 99 por ciento de los contribuyentes de… Read more »

1871 Abre Oficialmente su Expansión 3.0

1871 Abre Oficialmente su Expansión 3.0

1871 abrió orgullosamente su nueva expansión de 41,000 pies cuadrados. El centro tecnológico y ecosistema tiene más de 115,000 pies cuadrados en sus pisos 12 y 13 de Merchandise Mart… Read more »