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Ways to Talk About Money with Your Family

Ways to Talk About Money with Your Family

When we think about money, let’s be honest – we’re not talking about just money, but also a host of related consequences and deeply felt emotions, says retirement specialist Lee… Read more »

Financial Resolutions for your Family in 2016

Financial Resolutions for your Family in 2016

A new year is arriving and with it, come new challenges and new opportunities. Ring in another memorable year for you and your family with plans in place to keep… Read more »

CACC Searches for New Executive Director

CACC Searches for New Executive Director

Mayor Emanuel announced that an expansive search is underway to hire a new Executive Director for the Commission on Animal Care and Control (CACC). The City has been working with… Read more »

Una Forma de Hablar Sobre el Dinero con su Familia

Una Forma de Hablar Sobre el Dinero con su Familia

Cuando pensamos sobre el dinero, seamos honestos – no hablamos solo del dinero, sino sobre una miríada de consecuencias relacionadas y profundas emociones, dice el especialista en retiro, Lee Stoerzinger…. Read more »

Resoluciones Finales para su Familia en el 2016

Resoluciones Finales para su Familia en el 2016

Un nuevo año llega y con él nuevos retos y nuevas oportunidades. Espere otro año memorable para usted y su familia, con planes para lograrlo. Un estudio conducido por Massachusetts… Read more »

CACC Busca Nuevo Director Ejecutivo

CACC Busca Nuevo Director Ejecutivo

El Alcalde Emanuel anunció que se lleva a cabo una expansiva búsqueda para contratar a un nuevo Director Ejecutivo para la Comisión sobre Cuidado y Control de Animales (CACC). La… Read more »

Solicitudes de Exención Enviadas Próximamente

Solicitudes de Exención Enviadas Próximamente

Por: Joseph Berrios Evaluador del Condado de Cook Mi oficina administra las exenciones de impuestos prediales y dado el clima económico actual, queremos asegurarnos que recibe todas las exenciones de… Read more »

SEIU Illinois State Council Endorses Tammy Duckworth for U.S. Senate

SEIU Illinois State Council Endorses Tammy Duckworth for U.S. Senate

This week, the SEIU Illinois State Council announced its endorsement of U.S. Representative Tammy Duckworth for U.S. Senate. With her strong record, Representative Duckworth is the best choice for working… Read more »

Sandoval Receives the “Solidarity Immigrant Award” from Mexico’s Congress

Sandoval Receives the “Solidarity Immigrant Award” from Mexico’s Congress

State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) received the highest award Mexico’s Lower Legislative Chamber (Chamber of Deputies) grants for his commitment and hard work to better the Mexican diaspora in the… Read more »

Ald. Rosa Creates Aldermanic Youth Council

Ald. Rosa Creates Aldermanic Youth Council

In the new year, with the support of Mikva Challenge, is launching Chicago’s first-ever Aldermanic Youth Council right here in our 35th Ward. We would like to invite 35th Ward… Read more »