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iHeartMedia Chicago Announces Local Marketing Agreement with Show Time Media, Inc

iHeartMedia Chicago Announces Local Marketing Agreement with Show Time Media, Inc

iHeartMedia Chicago announced a Local Marking Agreement (LMA) with Show Time Media, Inc. Effective February 1, 2016, 97.5 FM will become 97.5 FM Poder, a New Beacon of Power for… Read more »

Labor Secretary Perez, Illinois Treasurer Frerichs Announce Path for State-Based Retirement Programs

Labor Secretary Perez, Illinois Treasurer Frerichs Announce Path for State-Based Retirement Programs

U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez and Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs on Monday announced sweeping new rules outlining the path forward for state-sponsored retirement savings initiatives. Secretary Perez… Read more »

MHOA Proudly Supports Cuatro Festival

MHOA Proudly Supports Cuatro Festival

This past Saturday, the McDonald’s Hispanic Owner-Operators Association (MHOA) proudly united with The Puerto Rican Arts Alliance (PRAA) as it presented its 17th Annual National Cuatro Festival. Attendees enjoyed the… Read more »

City Breaks Ground on McCormick Place Event Center

City Breaks Ground on McCormick Place Event Center

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA) CEO Lori Healey, MPEA Chairman Jack Greenberg and Alderman Pat Dowell joined DePaul University President Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider to break… Read more »

El Secretario de Trabajo Pérez y el Tesorero de Illinois Frerichs Anunciaron un Camino para Programas de Retiro Estatales

El Secretario de Trabajo Pérez y el Tesorero de Illinois Frerichs Anunciaron un Camino para Programas de Retiro Estatales

El Secretario de Trabajo de E.U., Thomas E. Pérez y el Tesorero del Estado de Illinois, Michael Frerich, anunciaron el lunes nuevas regulaciones delineando un camino hacia iniciativas de ahorros… Read more »

iHeartMedia Chicago Anuncia Acuerdo de Mercadeo Local con Show Time Media, Inc

iHeartMedia Chicago Anuncia Acuerdo de Mercadeo Local con Show Time Media, Inc

iHeartMedia Chicago anunció un Acuerdo de Mercadeo Local (LMA) con Show Time Media, Inc. A partir del 1º de febrero del 2016, 97.5 FM Poder, Nuevo Faro de Potencia para… Read more »

MHOA Apoya Orgullosamente el Festival del Cuatro

MHOA Apoya Orgullosamente el Festival del Cuatro

El pasado sábado, la Asociación de Propietarios-Operadores del Mcdonald’s (MHOA) se unió orgullosamente a la Alianza de Arte Puertorriqueña (PRAA) cuando esta presentó su 17 Festival Anual del Cuatro. Los… Read more »

La Ciudad Pone la Primera Piedra en el Centro de Eventos de McCormick Place

La Ciudad Pone la Primera Piedra en el Centro de Eventos de McCormick Place

El Alcalde Rahm Emanuel, la CEO de Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA), Lori Healey , el Director de MPEA, Jack Greenberg y el Concejal Pat Dowell, se unieron al… Read more »

Durbin Calls on Speaker to Act on Bipartisan Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Durbin Calls on Speaker to Act on Bipartisan Comprehensive Immigration Reform

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) came to the Senate Floor Tuesday call on newly-elected House Speaker Paul Ryan to work with Democrats to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation to fix… Read more »

BMO Harris Premier Services: More Than Half of Illinois Residents Aged 45 to 65 Currently Care for Their Children or Aging Relatives

BMO Harris Premier Services: More Than Half of Illinois Residents Aged 45 to 65 Currently Care for Their Children or Aging Relatives

A study issued by BMO Harris Premier Services found 55 percent of Illinois residents aged 45 to 65 are juggling the demands of caring for their children or aging relatives… Read more »