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Walmart, Cicero Officials Break-Ground
By: Carmen Lopez The town of Cicero will soon have a Walmart Supercenter on the intersection of Cicero Avenue and 34th street. Town President Larry Dominick, Town clerk Maria Punzo-Arias,… Read more
¿Qué Seguro Paga si se Cae en Casa de un Amigo?
Por: Howard Ankin Puede suceder: Está visitando a un amigo o pariente y se cae y se lastima. Surge la pregunta de la responsabilidad y usted, la persona herida, se… Read more
Morton College Selected to Participate in Year 5 of Illinois Latino Nonprofit Leadership Academy
Morton College will join 19 other organizations in a fifth cohort of the Illinois Latino Nonprofit Leadership Academy, an intensive program designed to empower leaders that serve the Latino community,… Read more
Primera Piedra de Walmart en Cicero
Por: Carmen López El Municipio de Cicero pronto tendrá un Walmart Supercenter en la intersección de la Ave. Cicero y la Calle 34. El Presidente de Cicero, Larry Dominick, la… Read more
Sandoval Votes to Regulate Fracking in Illinois
Illinois State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) stood with fellow Senator Michael Frerichs (D-52) in passing the state’s first comprehensive set of standards for hydraulic fracturing – often referred to as… Read more
Morton College Seleccionado para Participar en el 5º Año de la Academia de Liderazgo Latino de Illinois
Morton College se unirá a otras 19 organizaciones en un quinto cohorte de Illinois Latino Nonprofit Leadership Academy, programa intensivo diseñado a capacitar a líderes que sirven a la comunidad… Read more
Whose Insurance Pays If You Fall At A Friends Home?
By: Howard Ankin It can happen: You are visiting a friend or a relative and you take a nasty fall and hurt yourself. The question of liability arises and you,… Read more
Mayor Emanuel Discusses Chicago’s Role as a National Tech Leader
Over the weekend, Mayor Rahm Emanuel spoke to hundreds of leaders in the technology and data fields from across the nation as they converged on Chicago for the third annual… Read more
Cámara de Comercio Hispana de E.U., y la Revista Hispanic Executive Lanzan Evento
Hispanic Executive ofreció la apertura de la recepción USHCC del 2013 en el Hilton Chicago, en colaboración con La Cámara de Comercio Hispana de E.U. y Nortwestern Mutual, el jueves,… Read more
Topinka: State Ends Fiscal Year in Red
Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka on Monday announced that the State ended Fiscal Year 2013 with $6.1 billion in unaddressed financial obligations and warned that the deficit will grow by… Read more