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PBC Patrocina Tres Eventos de Contratación Comunitaria

PBC Patrocina Tres Eventos de Contratación Comunitaria

La Comisión de Edificios Públicos de Chicago (PBC) está conectando a las personas con una variedad de próximas oportunidades laborales en la construcción a través de tres eventos de contratación… Read more »

ComEd Invierte $893 Millones con Proveedores Diversos en el 2021

ComEd Invierte $893 Millones con Proveedores Diversos en el 2021

ComEd gastó $893 millones con negocios de mujeres, gente de color y veteranos en el 2021, o el 42 por ciento de su gasto total en la cadena de suministro,… Read more »

Promulgan Proyectos de Ley Sobre el Robo de Vehículos

Promulgan Proyectos de Ley Sobre el Robo de Vehículos

Para atender el siempre creciente índice del robo de vehículos en Illinois, la Senadora Estatal Linda Holmes apoyó tres medidas para ofrecer protecciones a los motoristas y ayuda a los… Read more »

Bank of America Acelera el Salario Mínimo por Hora en E.U.

Bank of America Acelera el Salario Mínimo por Hora en E.U.

Bank of America anunció que ha aumentado su salario mínimo por hora en E.U. a $22 como siguiente paso en el plan de la compañía de aumentar a $25 para… Read more »

New Legislation Protecting Illinoisans with Disabilities in Housing, State Government

New Legislation Protecting Illinoisans with Disabilities in Housing, State Government

Governor JB Pritzker signed HB2775 and SB180 into law, expanding protections for Illinoisans with disabilities in state government and housing. HB2775 amends the Illinois Human Rights Act to ban discrimination… Read more »

New Ownership of The Xquina Incubator and Café

New Ownership of The Xquina Incubator and Café

The Little Village Community Foundation (LVCF) and the Little Village Chamber of Commerce (LVCC) announced the consolidation of ownership interests of the planned Xquina Incubator and Café. Effective immediately, the… Read more »

‘Corridor Ambassador’ Program to Support Neighborhood Shopping Areas

‘Corridor Ambassador’ Program to Support Neighborhood Shopping Areas

The Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) on Tuesday announced a corridor ambassador program that will provide on-the-street support for shoppers and businesses in targeted retail districts across the… Read more »

Cook County Announces Launch of Career Connector Program

Cook County Announces Launch of Career Connector Program

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced the launch of The Cook County Career Connector Program. The Program consists of hiring events at sites within The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership’s… Read more »

Lightfoot Announces Process to Fill 24th Ward Vacancy

Lightfoot Announces Process to Fill 24th Ward Vacancy

On Tuesday, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot announced the process to identify a qualified candidate to become the next Alderman of Chicago’s 24th ward. Interested candidates must have lived in the… Read more »

Nueva Propiedad de Xquina Incubator and Café

Nueva Propiedad de Xquina Incubator and Café

Little Village Community Foundation (LVCF) y la Cámara de Comercio de La Villita (LVCC) anunciaron la consolidación de intereses de propiedad del planeado Xquina Incubator and Café. Efectivo inmediatamente, LVCF… Read more »