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Los Osos de Chicago Están Aceptando Solicitudes Para un Subsidio

Los Osos de Chicago Están Aceptando Solicitudes Para un Subsidio

Los Osos de Chicago anunciaron que están aceptando solicitudes para un subsidio de $102,000 a través de la iniciativa All-Pros, que comenzó en el 2019 en honor a la temporada… Read more »

Grants to Support Neighborhood Investment

Grants to Support Neighborhood Investment

We Rise Together: For an Equitable and Just Recovery today announced it has awarded $7.4 million in critical grant investments to support real estate developments in eight disinvested communities. The… Read more »

Chicago Riverwalk Community Marketplace Seeking New Businesses

Chicago Riverwalk Community Marketplace Seeking New Businesses

The City of Chicago Department of Assets, Information & Services (AIS) announced it is inviting food and beverage, retail, arts and other businesses with the qualifications and expertise to apply… Read more »

City Announces Accelerate Chicago Designed to Help Underserved Communities

City Announces Accelerate Chicago Designed to Help Underserved Communities

The City of Chicago and Microsoft Corp., in collaboration with corporate, learning and community partners, announced the launch of Accelerate Chicago. The program aims to reach 300,000 Chicago residents to… Read more »

Chicago Riverwalk Community Marketplace Busca Nuevos Negocios

Chicago Riverwalk Community Marketplace Busca Nuevos Negocios

El Departamento de Activos, Información y Servicios de la Ciudad de Chicago (AIS) anunció que invita a comercios de comida y bebida, ventas al menudeo, artes y otros negocios con… Read more »

La Ciudad Anuncia ‘Accelerate Chicago’ Diseñado para Ayudar a las Comunidades Marginadas

La Ciudad Anuncia ‘Accelerate Chicago’ Diseñado para Ayudar a las Comunidades Marginadas

La Ciudad de Chicago y Microsoft Corp., en colaboración con socios corporativos, de aprendizaje y comunitarios, anunció el lanzamiento de Accelerate Chicago. El programa espera llegar a 300,000 residentes de… Read more »

State Announces Partnership with Women Employed to Boost Wages for Women

State Announces Partnership with Women Employed to Boost Wages for Women

The Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) announced a $350,000 partnership with Women Employed to inform low-income women across Illinois, in particular low-wage women of color, about pay equity and pay… Read more »

IFRA: End Arbitrary Small Business Shutdowns by City of Chicago

IFRA: End Arbitrary Small Business Shutdowns by City of Chicago

The Illinois Fuel and Retail Association, representing Illinois gas stations and convenience stores, issued the following statement on ongoing shutdowns of convenience stores and gas stations by the City of… Read more »

IDES, DoIT Partner to Launch Identity Management Solution for Unemployment Insurance Benefits System

IDES, DoIT Partner to Launch Identity Management Solution for Unemployment Insurance Benefits System

The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) and the Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) have partnered together to integrate ILogin, a new identity verification and multi-factor authentication (MFA)… Read more »

City of Chicago Announces Strategic Plan to Address Gender-Based Violence, Human Trafficking

City of Chicago Announces Strategic Plan to Address Gender-Based Violence, Human Trafficking

The City of Chicago launched a citywide plan to address gender-based violence (GBV) and human trafficking. As part of the overall violence reduction strategy, this plan seeks to build the… Read more »