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Following Belize’s Example

Following Belize’s Example

By Daniel Nardini In a principled stand, the Central American country of Belize has stated it will stand with both Taiwan and Ukraine. Belize’s Prime Minister Johnny Briceno said that… Read more »

Just Another Day in the Life of Daniel Nardini

Just Another Day in the Life of Daniel Nardini

By Daniel Nardini [The following pretty much describes how my days might go. It certainly is better than another angry political diatribe] 11:00 a.m. Would have gotten up sooner, but… Read more »

The 21st Century: End of Empires

The 21st Century: End of Empires

By Daniel Nardini As Russia’s disastrous war against Ukraine continues, and as China’s attempts to try and conquer Taiwan is being condemned by most of the rest of the world,… Read more »

South Korea Dancing a Fine Line Between China and the U.S.A.

South Korea Dancing a Fine Line Between China and the U.S.A.

By Daniel Nardini What most Americans, even those U.S. military personnel stationed in South Korea, do not know is that South Korea has a close connection to China. Having dealt… Read more »

Brazil’s Sustainable Cotton

Brazil’s Sustainable Cotton

By Daniel Nardini Currently, Brazil is the second largest exporter of cotton in the world only after the United States (not counting China, which is largely being excluded from the… Read more »

The Stolen Election Myth

The Stolen Election Myth

By Daniel Nardini I have already stated clearly that current U.S. President Joe Biden should be removed from office under the 25 Amendment because he is incapable of executing his… Read more »

Invoke the 25th Amendment!

Invoke the 25th Amendment!

By Daniel Nardini It was a year ago this month that the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, thus ending a 20-year war the United States and its NATO (North Atlantic… Read more »

China Wants Guam

China Wants Guam

By Daniel Nardini I have been hearing it from many people where I live who wonder why the United States is helping Ukraine fight against the Russians and why the… Read more »

Mixed Signals on Taiwan

Mixed Signals on Taiwan

By Daniel Nardini Just a week ago I spoke with my good friend Russ who has lived in Taiwan for almost 33 years. We spoke at a Zoom meeting. He… Read more »

On the Abortion Issue

On the Abortion Issue

By Daniel Nardini Of all medical procedures that are and should be available for women, the issue of abortion has been and remains a political and religious hot potato. There… Read more »