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A Nicaraguan Icon?

A Nicaraguan Icon?

By: Daniel Nardini Just a few weeks ago, the last co-founder of the Nicaraguan Sandinista National Liberation Front (i.e. the Sandinistas), Thomas Borge, died from respiratory failure. He was 81…. Read more »

Secure Communities Police State

Secure Communities Police State

By: Daniel Nardini Last week, the federal government started the Secure Communities program in New York state. The program, initiated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is a cooperative… Read more »

The Mayan Message from Xultun

The Mayan Message from Xultun

By: Daniel Nardini Archeologists have discovered what seems to be so far the oldest Mayan calendar system in existence at the Xultun site in Guatemala. The series of Mayan numbers… Read more »

“Race War” Averted

“Race War” Averted

By: Daniel Nardini The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested ten people of an extremist right wing group called the American Front for possible attacks against immigrants and racial and… Read more »

Cubans to be Able to Travel?

Cubans to be Able to Travel?

By: Daniel Nardini There is now more talk about it than ever before in Havana—the possibility of Cubans to be able to leave Cuba, travel elsewhere and to be able… Read more »

Undermining the Detention Center

Undermining the Detention Center

By: Daniel Nardini The Illinois Senate, normally not always in agreement with the politics of Chicago and Cook County, was in complete agreement about preventing the federal immigration detention center… Read more »

One Group’s Possible Demise

One Group’s Possible Demise

By: Daniel Nardini What happened was truly tragic. A known racist and former member of the National Socialist Movement, Jason Todd Ready, shot and killed his girlfriend, his girlfriend’s daughter,… Read more »

Killing the Inuit Way of Life

Killing the Inuit Way of Life

By: Daniel Nardini Denmark’s leading store chain Magasin will no longer be selling seal skin clothes or seal skin products. The decision was made due to the extreme barbarity of… Read more »

Two Places to Visit for Cinco de Mayo

Two Places to Visit for Cinco de Mayo

By: Daniel Nardini On this Cinco de Mayo holiday weekend, I highly recommend to all my readers two places to visit; the National Museum of Mexican Art and the Institute… Read more »

The War That Should Really Have Never Been

The War That Should Really Have Never Been

By: Daniel Nardini Strangely enough, this year marks the 200th anniversary of the start of what would be called the War of 1812. The war between the United States and… Read more »