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Justice for the Sterilized Women of Peru

Justice for the Sterilized Women of Peru

By: Daniel Nardini Recently the Peruvian government has reopened its investigation into the forced sterilization of Peruvian indigenous women in the 1990’s. The question is how far this investigation will… Read more »

French Xenophobia

French Xenophobia

By: Daniel Nardini It seems that race and ethnic hatred along with xenophobia are not American monopolies during elections. The same is happening in France. Yes, France is having a… Read more »

The Obama Myth

The Obama Myth

By: Daniel Nardini U.S. President Barack Obama. For many people they see very different things about this man. There are people who see him as not a U.S.-born citizen. There… Read more »

The Iran Replay

The Iran Replay

By: Daniel Nardini Yes people, there is real pain at the pump these days. The price of gasoline is going up and up. We are barely into spring and none… Read more »

Living in Fear in Georgia

Living in Fear in Georgia

By: Daniel Nardini In Gainesville, Georgia, the local police have been empowered to check the immigration status of all driver’s, if the police believe they are “illegal,” even for minor… Read more »

Three Cheers for Racism!

Three Cheers for Racism!

By: Daniel Nardini This is as divisive as the American flag flap a year ago, but this time the shoe is on the other foot. The whole thing began innocently… Read more »

The Ron Paul Phenomenon

The Ron Paul Phenomenon

By: Daniel Nardini One political presidential candidate who really stands out from the rest is Republican primary candidate Ron Paul. Even though it does not look likely that he will… Read more »

Migrant Prison Town USA

Migrant Prison Town USA

By: Daniel Nardini This is getting too close to home. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) wants to build a security facility in Crete, Illinois, for undocumented migrant workers that have… Read more »

Georgia’s University Discrimination

Georgia’s University Discrimination

By: Daniel Nardini Something about election years that sometimes bring out the worst in some people. Georgia State Senator Barry Loudermilk has introduced a bill that will ban all undocumented… Read more »

About the Quran Book Burning

About the Quran Book Burning

By: Daniel Nardini The burning of the Quran by the U.S. military in Afghanistan exposed some dangerous fault lines that have been in the making for years. It was this… Read more »