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Alt-Right On the March

Alt-Right On the March

By Daniel Nardini There seems to be no real political center anymore. The Democratic Party in so many ways has been infiltrated by organizations on the political left. The Republican… Read more »

War Between the States

War Between the States

By Daniel Nardini Recently, the Texas Republican Party (which basically runs Texas), adopted three measures which I find thoroughly questionable and outright dangerous. First, Texas has become one of the… Read more »

Preserving the Real Past

Preserving the Real Past

By Daniel Nardini In far-away Hong Kong, a man named Bryan Ong has opened a museum that documents Hong Kong’s colonial past under Great Britain. The museum, unlike what the… Read more »

Those of Us on the Fence

Those of Us on the Fence

By Daniel Nardini As the January 6th hearings in the U.S. Senate continue, there is one thing which the committee is not exactly dealing with; the ever growing polarization of… Read more »

January 6th Heroes?

January 6th Heroes?

By Daniel Nardini It is becoming immensely scary what is now taking shape. Those who were involved in the January 6th riot at the Capital Building (also called an insurrection),… Read more »

Not Living with Covid-19

Not Living with Covid-19

By Daniel Nardini The world has moved on from the Covid-19 pandemic. Lock-downs are now more of the exception than the rule. The policy of almost all countries living with… Read more »

Hollywood Amnesia

Hollywood Amnesia

By Daniel Nardini One of the biggest disappointments (among many) is that Hollywood does not make true historic films. We really never see for the most part movies about events… Read more »

Setting the Citizenship Bar Too High

Setting the Citizenship Bar Too High

By Daniel Nardini I always get personally upset whenever I hear ignorant fools who claim that “illegals are coming over the border and grabbing our jobs, and our benefits.” What… Read more »

Canada to Prosecute Those Who Commit Crimes on the Moon

Canada to Prosecute Those Who Commit Crimes on the Moon

By Daniel Nardini As ridiculous as this may sound, there is some rational basis for why Canada’s parliament passed a law that allows for Canada to prosecute those who commit… Read more »

Beware the Mandatory Death Sentences in: Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore

Beware the Mandatory Death Sentences in: Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore

By Daniel Nardini When I went to both Brunei and Malaysia in Southeast Asia for holiday, the authorities there made it plain on all of the immigration forms: “Death to… Read more »