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By: Daniel Nardini Like Machu Picchu, it is located high up in the mountains. Like Machu Picchu, a large wall surrounds the complex of ruined plazas, temples and a central… Read more »

ET, Where Are You?

ET, Where Are You?

By: Daniel Nardini As the Occupy movement continues in every major city across the United States (and some other countries as well), there is another kind of movement occurring near… Read more »

On “Miss Bala”

On “Miss Bala”

By: Daniel Nardini The film “Miss Bala” is a powerful and truly realistic (and pretty violent and ugly) depiction of the current drug war in Mexico. The film begins with… Read more »

The Arizona Wall

The Arizona Wall

By: Daniel Nardini Just when you thought Arizona was safely out of the news…Arizona State Senator Steve Smith has proposed legislation to have the state build an actual wall on… Read more »

The Uncivil Libya

The Uncivil Libya

By: Daniel Nardini Two things may have escaped almost unnoticed in the U.S. newsmedia. First, the National Transitional Council (the new government of Libya) has passed that Sharia law (Muslim… Read more »

Afghanistan 1984

Afghanistan 1984

By: Daniel Nardini Afghanistan is a country (well barely being a country) that is a spotlight of some very troubling statistics. It is the country with the longest running war…. Read more »

A Holiday of Reconciliation

A Holiday of Reconciliation

By: Daniel Nardini When we all think of Thanksgiving, we think about the first English colonists and the Native Americans (in this case the Wampanoags) getting together to celebrate a… Read more »

It’s Still the Economy Stupid!

It’s Still the Economy Stupid!

By: Daniel Nardini While U.S. President Barack Obama is still taking credit for the Libya venture, and is talking tough against Iran and Syria, all of this really has little… Read more »

Manufacturing Down South in Dixie!

Manufacturing Down South in Dixie!

By: Daniel Nardini Once upon a time, manufacturing in the United States was primarily done in the U.S. northeast and in parts of the U.S. midwest. Things from consumer goods… Read more »

The Lemmings Did It!

The Lemmings Did It!

By: Daniel Nardini Let us take the lemming—a small rodent that lives near and in the Arctic circle. Related to the mouse, rat and mole, the lemming is an important… Read more »