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No More Holy Meats!

No More Holy Meats!

By: Daniel Nardini The Dutch parliament has passed a controversial law outlawing the slitting of an animal’s throat to prepare an animal under Muslim and Jewish customs. The practice of… Read more »

Immigration Safe Zone

Immigration Safe Zone

By: Daniel Nardini New York City passed a new ordinance that will now forbid New York City from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in regards to the immigration… Read more »

The General’s Truth

The General’s Truth

By: Daniel Nardini I really do admire Major General Peter Fuller for being candid about what he thinks is happening in Afghanistan. Speaking to the newsmedia Politico , Fuller made… Read more »

The Ortega Shadow

The Ortega Shadow

By: Daniel Nardini Nicaragua is holding presidential elections. There are three main candidates who will be running. They are Daniel Ortega (the current President of Nicaragua), Fabio Gadea (a well… Read more »

When Voters Have No Rights

When Voters Have No Rights

By: Daniel Nardini One of the most important contributions of the Motor-Voter law that came into effect back in the 1990’s was to make it easier for people who were… Read more »

Choosing a Grocery Store WISELY

Choosing a Grocery Store WISELY

By: Daniel Nardini In this particular case, I will name the place my wife and I go shopping. We go to Kroger, which has been our favorite place for close… Read more »

When Your Body Functions are not Your Own

When Your Body Functions are not Your Own

By: Daniel Nardini I normally do not talk about my personal life, but I will make one brief mention of a problem I have. About eight years ago, my doctor… Read more »

We Should Stop Making Enemies

We Should Stop Making Enemies

By: Daniel Nardini Russia, the largest land country in the world, is interestingly enough the 11th largest economy in the world. It is also the 16th largest trading partner of… Read more »

Justice and Injustice

Justice and Injustice

By: Daniel Nardini In Montevideo, Uruguay, the Uruguayan State Assembly voted overwhelmingly to scrap the general amnesty put in by those generals who ruled Uruguay as a dictatorship from 1975… Read more »

The Never Ending Wisconsin War

The Never Ending Wisconsin War

By: Daniel Nardini It really all began with the election of current Governor Scott Walker and the Republican majority in the state legislature. Then the governor and the Republican majority… Read more »