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Brutal Repression in El Salvador

Brutal Repression in El Salvador

By Daniel Nardini While the U.S. news media has been concentrating on Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s draconian lock-downs of Shanghai and Shenzhen, no real attention is being drawn… Read more »

How Cuba’s Health Care System Really Stinks

How Cuba’s Health Care System Really Stinks

By Daniel Nardini Just a few days after our tour group arrived in Cuba, half the group got eye infections. The tour operators were so worried that they took all… Read more »

United States: Defender of Smaller Nations

United States: Defender of Smaller Nations

By Daniel Nardini When I lived in Seoul, South Korea, I saw from time to time American soldiers on the subway, driving on the highway in U.S. military vehicles, and… Read more »

Striking Closer to Home Than We Think

Striking Closer to Home Than We Think

By Daniel Nardini When we think about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we are thinking of something that is far off in Europe. We have to remember that Russia is… Read more »

How Soon We Forget

How Soon We Forget

By Daniel Nardini For a year, I did not bother to wear a mask when I went shopping, met with people, or went to the bank. Despite all of the… Read more »

The Colombia-Venezuela Border War

The Colombia-Venezuela Border War

By Daniel Nardini I find it ironic that the U.S. government is trying to negotiate an oil deal with the Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro while some former Colombian… Read more »

The Free World, The Not Free World

The Free World, The Not Free World

By Daniel Nardini As like everyone else, I get up from bed, I take my wife to work, I do grocery shopping or do errands like pay bills and take… Read more »

Substituting Venezuelan Oil for Russian Oil

Substituting Venezuelan Oil for Russian Oil

By Daniel Nardini For the life of me, I cannot understand why the U.S. President Joe Biden administration decided to scotch the oil pipeline from Canada and end all shale… Read more »

China and Russia’s Coming Collapse

China and Russia’s Coming Collapse

By Daniel Nardini As Russia’s bloody war in the Ukraine escalates, it is becoming clear that Russia’s once vaunted military is not as good as it had made itself out… Read more »

The Big Squabble

The Big Squabble

By Daniel Nardini This whole idea could not be in more bad taste. In Japan there is a place called Sado Island. This island was once the site of an… Read more »