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Oh Give Me a Home, PLEASE

Oh Give Me a Home, PLEASE

By: Daniel Nardini One part of the American Dream is for someone to own a place of their own. This is why I was distraught to hear that banks actually… Read more »

Latinos: Not a Burden to Health Care

Latinos: Not a Burden to Health Care

By: Daniel Nardini A study done by Arturo Vargas Bustamante at the School of Public Health of the University of California in Los Angeles and Jie Chen of City University… Read more »

The Real Threat to Mexico’s Stability

The Real Threat to Mexico’s Stability

By: Daniel Nardini According to the Mexican government, over three million more people have fallen into poverty in Mexico from 2008 to 2010. This means that 52 million Mexicans, or… Read more »

Anniversary of the Constitution of Puerto Rico

Anniversary of the Constitution of Puerto Rico

By: Daniel Nardini With all of the talk about the U.S. national debt crisis, the three wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and the Great Recession and the dismal jobs… Read more »

On the Film “A Better Life”

On the Film “A Better Life”

By: Daniel Nardini Every now and then a gem of a movie comes along. This is true about the film, “A Better Life” by director Chris Weitz. The film, of… Read more »

Migrant Depression

Migrant Depression

By: Daniel Nardini The U.S. National Institute on Mental Health released a study it had done on Mexican migrant workers. The study included 259 men and 295 women. It documented… Read more »

The Example of West Liberty

The Example of West Liberty

By: Daniel Nardini The small town of West Liberty, Iowa, may be like so many other small mid-western towns in that state. Except for one thing—52 percent of the town’s… Read more »

A Rural Wilderness

A Rural Wilderness

By: Daniel Nardini Most people in Cicero or anywhere in the Chicago area have never heard of Thomson, Illinois. In a way they should have. This was going to be… Read more »

The Stupid Mystery of the Cadborosaurus

The Stupid Mystery of the Cadborosaurus

By: Daniel Nardini In 2009, a video was shot of some large snake-like creature moving in the waters in the Gulf of Alaska. Problem, the video was blurry and you… Read more »

Denying the Extremist Possibility

Denying the Extremist Possibility

By: Daniel Nardini We know only too well the heinous acts of mass murder by an extreme rightwing nutcase in Norway named Anders Behring Breivik. He murdered 87 innocent people…. Read more »