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Survival of the Puerto Rican Parrot

Survival of the Puerto Rican Parrot

By: Daniel Nardini When I was in Puerto Rico, I remember the distinctive sound of a well-known frog called the coqui. It sounded like a chirping bird, and it was… Read more »

An Ode to the Analog TV

An Ode to the Analog TV

By: Daniel Nardini They are about as useful as the phonograph or VHS tapes now. The analog television is now a thing of the past. It is little more than… Read more »

Of Mexicans, Dominicans and the “F” Word

Of Mexicans, Dominicans and the “F” Word

By: Daniel Nardini A Transportation Security Agency (TSA) report about the TSA security personnel at Newark International Airport specifically targeting Mexicans and Dominicans is especially damning. The TSA security personnel… Read more »

Georgia Labor Slavery?

Georgia Labor Slavery?

By: Daniel Nardini Ahead of the State of Georgia’s new restrictive state immigration law, many farmers have discovered that their hired help is fast disappearing. Many of the hired help… Read more »

No Sign of Impeachment

No Sign of Impeachment

By: Daniel Nardini It would seem like a clear case of violating the U.S. Constitution. U.S. President Barack Obama has clearly overstepped his powers as President of the United States…. Read more »

Redistricting and Re-redistricting Latinos

Redistricting and Re-redistricting Latinos

By: Daniel Nardini There are truths, there are truths to be self-evident, and then there is truth in numbers. The U.S. Census 2010 is truth in numbers. In this case… Read more »

Debunking the 14th Amendment Myth

Debunking the 14th Amendment Myth

By: Daniel Nardini In the art of debate, if you cannot win on the evidence, then change how the evidence is interpreted. Indeed, this is what is happening with regards… Read more »

A Growing Threat on Our Campuses

A Growing Threat on Our Campuses

By: Daniel Nardini They can be found on at least nine college campuses in the United States. They may soon be expanding into Canada and Australia. This student youth organization… Read more »

The Birth of America’s Armed Forces

The Birth of America’s Armed Forces

By: Daniel Nardini The date June 14th,* is generally not remembered in the United States. Nevertheless, it is an important date because it was the official organization of the Continental… Read more »

Illinois Dream Act: A Dream Come True

Illinois Dream Act: A Dream Come True

By: Daniel Nardini The Illinois House of Representative passed the Illinois Dream Act. It has gone before Illinois Governor Pat Quinn who said he will sign it. When signed into… Read more »