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The Tucson Secession?

The Tucson Secession?

By: Daniel Nardini There seems to be a major conflict within the State of Arizona. The conflict seems to eminate between the southern part of Arizona where Tucson is situated… Read more »

The Thorn in the Constitution’s Side

The Thorn in the Constitution’s Side

By: Daniel Nardini In a last minute effort, the U.S. Congress has reached a deal on extending the Patriot Act. The Act has been approved in the U.S. Congress and… Read more »

A Personal Immigrant Bashing Story

A Personal Immigrant Bashing Story

By: Daniel Nardini My wife has a close cousin who lives in Washington state. She and her husband came to the United States five months ago on a student visa…. Read more »

In Case You Missed It, The World Ended

In Case You Missed It, The World Ended

By: Daniel Nardini Obviously, the world did not come to an end. A preacher named Harold Camping predicted that the world would end on last Saturday, May 21st. Meanwhile, a… Read more »

Possible New Travel Guidelines for Cuba

Possible New Travel Guidelines for Cuba

By: Daniel Nardini As the saying goes, you can travel to Hanoi but you cannot go to Havana only 90 miles away. That may soon change (we hope!). The White… Read more »

Recognize Taiwan!

Recognize Taiwan!

By: Daniel Nardini Many have wondered why I have been so adamant about recognzing Cuba and scrapping the U.S. embargo against that island. I am simply reflecting what is reality…. Read more »

Exiled to Mexico and America

Exiled to Mexico and America

By: Daniel Nardini Recently, I saw a short documentary entitled “Exiled in America” by Angela Torres Camarena. The film talks about the struggles of the Santibanez family in Arizona and… Read more »

The Truly Wrong Presidential Stuff

The Truly Wrong Presidential Stuff

By: Daniel Nardini Former U.S. House of Representatives speaker Newt Gingrich has announced that he is making a run for the presidency of the United States in 2012. He will… Read more »

An Anniversary to Regret

An Anniversary to Regret

By: Daniel Nardini As June 4th approaches, I deeply regret this twenty-second anniversary of the Beijing massacre in 1989 simply because I was there. But this year I just as… Read more »

No Fifth Column

No Fifth Column

By: Daniel Nardini It has been revealed that in Osama bin Laden’s private journal he had planned to recruit “oppressed groups” such as African Americans and Latinos to carry out… Read more »