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The Lori Lightfoot Controversy

The Lori Lightfoot Controversy

By Daniel Nardini In a strange move, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced that due to the new media being “dominated by white men,” she will no longer give one-on-one interviews… Read more »

Freeing the People Immune to the Pandemic

Freeing the People Immune to the Pandemic

By Daniel Nardini As the number of people who have been completely vaccinated against the corona virus increases, it is hoped that the current laws for people being required for… Read more »

U.S. Finally Recognizing Armenian Genocide

U.S. Finally Recognizing Armenian Genocide

By Daniel Nardini U.S. President Joe Biden is the first American president to formally recognize the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turkish Empire over 100 years ago. No one is… Read more »

Vaccine Passports

Vaccine Passports

By Daniel Nardini I have a lot of questions about what vaccine passports truly mean. In a short overview, vaccine passports will mean that an individual has been fully vaccinated… Read more »

A Very Bizarre Story

A Very Bizarre Story

By Daniel Nardini A small furniture maker named Hong Jinshi in Dahua, Fujian province in China, has come up with a truly strange sale pitch; making buddha-like statues of former… Read more »

Make Washington, D.C. a State

Make Washington, D.C. a State

By Daniel Nardini There is a growing movement in the District of Columbia for Washington, D.C. to become the 51st state. Actually there has been an effort to make the… Read more »

Suffer the Children

Suffer the Children

By Daniel Nardini Since last month, there has been a surge in the number of families and unaccompanied children at the U.S.-Mexico border. This surge has increased the number of… Read more »

The Venezuelans Can Stay

The Venezuelans Can Stay

By Daniel Nardini By an executive order, U.S. President Joe Biden has said that Venezuelans who had fled their country can stay in the United States on a temporary basis…. Read more »

People Fleeing the Democratic Party

People Fleeing the Democratic Party

By Daniel Nardini While a lot of the U.S. news media are talking about the tens of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) who are fleeing the Republican Party, a… Read more »

Greenland Independence?

Greenland Independence?

By Daniel Nardini Considered the largest island in the world, Greenland has been a part of Denmark for a couples of centuries (since 1814). Almost all of the people in… Read more »