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Fleeing Hong Kong for Good

Fleeing Hong Kong for Good

By Daniel Nardini As America struggles with the corona virus pandemic and attempts at reviving the economy, Hong Kong struggles with the pandemic, and increasing political repression. Many, many Hong… Read more »

Sorrow for the Chinese People

Sorrow for the Chinese People

By Daniel Nardini It is becoming very clear that for the most part, the Chinese government is locking down many parts of the country so that the corona virus will… Read more »

Not in a Vacuum

Not in a Vacuum

By Daniel Nardini It seems that so many libertarians (with both a small “l” and a large “L,” the large “L” standing for those who are actual members of the… Read more »

We Have Seen This Before

We Have Seen This Before

By Daniel Nardini The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is warning of a potential terror attack somewhere in the United States,and by a group that can and may target innocent… Read more »

Retaliation and Revenge

Retaliation and Revenge

By Daniel Nardini Words of reconciliation and unity are all fine, but at this point in my view they are only words. The proof is in the actions that will… Read more »

This May Only Be The Beginning

This May Only Be The Beginning

By Daniel Nardini In my December 24th commentary, I had predicted that a right wing movement would emerge that would become a major issue for the new year. It frightens… Read more »

Nicaragua: The New Venezuela

Nicaragua: The New Venezuela

By Daniel Nardini As Americans are grappling with the corona virus epidemic, and the uncertain state of the U.S. economy, the Nicaraguan government of President Daniel Ortega has ratcheted the… Read more »

Six Months from Now

Six Months from Now

By Daniel Nardini As we continue with the corona virus pandemic, and are coming toward the end of the year, I predict that in six months from today things will… Read more »

The Pyramid of Skulls

The Pyramid of Skulls

By Daniel Nardini It was both a fantastic discovery and an equally grisly one. The Huei Tzampantli, or the Pyramid of Skulls, was part of the greater Temple Mayor that… Read more »

Conspiracies, Conspiracies, Conspiracies

Conspiracies, Conspiracies, Conspiracies

By Daniel Nardini I do not see how incoming U.S. President Joe Biden is going to bring Americans together when his own party is pushing a rather extreme agenda. I… Read more »