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Antifa and the Gullible U.S. News Media

Antifa and the Gullible U.S. News Media

By Daniel Nardini A friend of mine, I will call him Officer John, told me that the police in his local area had to be on the look out for… Read more »

CCP Influence at American Universities

CCP Influence at American Universities

By Daniel Nardini Because of the corona virus epidemic that has badly affected the United States, U.S. intelligence agencies are now looking more carefully at the influence the Chinese Communist… Read more »

Start to Reopen Illinois

Start to Reopen Illinois

By Daniel Nardini As more people are filing lawsuits against Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker to reopen their businesses, it is becoming apparent that more people (especially in the counties… Read more »

Ecuador’s Corona Virus Nightmare

Ecuador’s Corona Virus Nightmare

By Daniel Nardini While America is still trying to deal with how to restart the country amidst the corona virus epidemic, Ecuador is seeing its health care system virtually collapsing… Read more »

The Cuban Spin on the Corona Virus Outbreak

The Cuban Spin on the Corona Virus Outbreak

By Daniel Nardini The Communist Party of China has put a LOT of spin on the corona virus outbreak they caused in the first place. First, they tried to cover… Read more »

Not Giving in to Hate

Not Giving in to Hate

By Daniel Nardini There is no question where the corona virus originated from. Regardless of this, one thing that concerns me is the instant prejudice and hate by a growing… Read more »

The Cuban Navy: Nothing to See Here

The Cuban Navy: Nothing to See Here

By Daniel Nardini For those who may be interested in the potential threat of Cuba’s Navy; it sounds more like a bad movie like the pink submarine from the old… Read more »

Kentucky’s Senate Bill 90

Kentucky’s Senate Bill 90

By Daniel Nardini There are a whole lot of things wrong with the State of Kentucky’s Senate Bill 90. While those who sponsored the bill say it is to protect… Read more »

Neanderthal Burial

Neanderthal Burial

By Daniel Nardini Deep in Iraq’s Shanidar Cave, archaeologists have uncovered what looks like a Neanderthal ceremonial burial. Until about 30 years ago, many anthropologists had thought Neanderthal, the biological… Read more »

China Excludes Taiwan from WHO

China Excludes Taiwan from WHO

By Daniel Nardini As if the Chinese government is not guilty enough of crimes against humanity, guilty of allowing the spread of the deadly corona virus that has killed so… Read more »