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No Religious Liberty for Muslims

No Religious Liberty for Muslims

By Daniel Nardini It is a curious irony that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is calling for religious liberty from students being able to openly pray in public… Read more »

Happy 100th Anniversary ACLU!

Happy 100th Anniversary ACLU!

By Daniel Nardini This year, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) turns 100 years old. It is important to remember that the ACLU was formed in 1920 to help fight… Read more »

A Doctored Photo, A Doctored Record

A Doctored Photo, A Doctored Record

By Daniel Nardini It seems that the poison of partisanship has reached even into the echelons of America’s historical record keeping. The National Archives, which is theoretically supposed to be… Read more »

Cultural Genocide in Our Time

Cultural Genocide in Our Time

By Daniel Nardini It is the obvious elephant in the room. Or should I say the obvious red dragon. The recent elections for both president and the legislature in Taiwan,… Read more »

Still More Protests in Venezuela

Still More Protests in Venezuela

By Daniel Nardini Juan Guaido was again sworn in as the interim president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, and is still considered the “legitimate” president of Venezuela. This is all… Read more »

The Libertarian Party View on Trump Impeachment

The Libertarian Party View on Trump Impeachment

By Daniel Nardini There are many people in the Republican Party who say that the whole impeachment process in the U.S. House of Representatives is the result of “those damn… Read more »

The Jolabokaflod

The Jolabokaflod

By Daniel Nardini OK, you will be asking yourself what the word “Jolabokaflod” means? It is an Icelandic word for “Christmas Book Flood.” Now that I have explained what the… Read more »

Will Bolivia Remain Free?

Will Bolivia Remain Free?

By Daniel Nardini It is one of the most disconcerting situations that could have occurred. It seemed that former Bolivian President Evo Morales was destined to get a fourth term,… Read more »

Venezuela: Champion of Human Rights?

Venezuela: Champion of Human Rights?

By Daniel Nardini Here is a sad fact: Venezuela is now a member of the United Nations’ (UN) Human Rights Council. When one of the seats to the Council was… Read more »

Crazy Among the Crazies

Crazy Among the Crazies

By Daniel Nardini The Young America’s Foundation is described as “conservative.” Having gone to its website and read what the people in this organization have to say it seems more… Read more »