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Should Italian Americans Seek Reparations?

Should Italian Americans Seek Reparations?

By Daniel Nardini During World War II, the U.S. government threw 60,000 Italian immigrants in internment camps, and forced hundreds of thousands of Italian immigrants and Americans of Italian descent… Read more »

Possible Civil War in Bolivia?

Possible Civil War in Bolivia?

By Daniel Nardini One South American country that has not received much publicity in the way of U.S. news is Bolivia. It should. On October 20th, national elections for the… Read more »

The New Russia-Cuba Friendship

The New Russia-Cuba Friendship

By Daniel Nardini When the former Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba was pretty much set adrift. No more economic aid came from the Soviet Union, and a newly emergent Russia gave… Read more »

The Growing Venezuelan Exodus

The Growing Venezuelan Exodus

By Daniel Nardini It has been relegated to small articles on the back page of most American newspapers if at all. The refugee crisis in Venezuela has been growing worse… Read more »

Making Good of a Bad Situation

Making Good of a Bad Situation

By Daniel Nardini I was at a city hall meeting a few weeks ago where the issue before the city council was allowing cannabis (marijuana) dispensaries for medical and recreational… Read more »

The Avocado War

The Avocado War

By Daniel Nardini The good news is that a growing number of farmers are beginning to see the blessings of growing avocados instead of marijuana. Many poor farmers had to… Read more »



By Daniel Nardini While the rest of the news media is thoroughly occupied with whether U.S. President Donald Trump should be impeached or not, another serious situation is taking place… Read more »

Remember Xi Jinping Thought, Or Else!

Remember Xi Jinping Thought, Or Else!

By Daniel Nardini Chinese journalists, as if they are not already under strict control in a country and under a system that thoroughly controls everyday life, must now endure another… Read more »

The Solomon Islands Crisis

The Solomon Islands Crisis

By Daniel Nardini Before I say anything else, I should explain where the Solomon Islands are. They are in the southwest Pacific Ocean close to Papua New Guinea and Australia…. Read more »

The Lazaro Cardenas Revolution, Part II

The Lazaro Cardenas Revolution, Part II

MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL ISSUE By Daniel Nardini One other important thing Cardenas did to stabilize the country was to make sure that all commanding officers swore an oath to… Read more »