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The Hole in the Trade War Wall

The Hole in the Trade War Wall

By Daniel Nardini There is a major flaw in the tariffs being levied by U.S. President Donald Trump. Many U.S.-based manufacturers are hurting for parts made in China. Under the… Read more »

The China and Russia “Cooperation”

The China and Russia “Cooperation”

By Daniel Nardini With U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade war against China, the Chinese government is now turning towards an important ally—Russia. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has met with Russian… Read more »

The Truly Greater Loss

The Truly Greater Loss

By Daniel Nardini The fire which consumed most of the National Museum of Brazil was not only tragic but could have been prevented. It is estimated that 90 percent of… Read more »

Venezuela’s Brutal Suffering Continues

Venezuela’s Brutal Suffering Continues

By: Daniel Nardini Here is a sad fact—the number of Venezuelans who have fled their country over the past four years now numbers 2.6 million. In a country that has… Read more »

El Salvador Establishes Relations with China

El Salvador Establishes Relations with China

By: Daniel Nardini Until just a matter of days ago, El Salvador had recognized Taiwan (also called the “Republic of China”). This official recognition lasted 85 years. But this changed… Read more »

Deporting a Baby?

Deporting a Baby?

By: Daniel Nardini I all too frequently hear the ignorant and heartless arguments of too many native-born Americans who say, “they should follow our laws and be kicked out if… Read more »

Former President Bush’s Immigration Policy

Former President Bush’s Immigration Policy

By: Daniel Nardini I remember when former U.S. President George W. Bush tried to reform the immigration system so that it would eliminate many categories of the undocumented and help… Read more »

Cuba’s Joke of a Constitution

Cuba’s Joke of a Constitution

By: Daniel Nardini Cuba’s National Assembly is now considering a draft document that may become the country’s next constitution. Four major provisions in this document stand out. First, the document… Read more »

California’s Mexico Economic Dependency

California’s Mexico Economic Dependency

By: Daniel Nardini Here is an important fact—665,000 American jobs in southern California depends on Mexico. The jobs these Americans do provide products and services that are exported to Mexico,… Read more »

The Costa Rica-Nicaragua Spat

The Costa Rica-Nicaragua Spat

By: Daniel Nardini The Republic of Costa Rica, one of the two stable countries in Central America, would normally be a peaceful, tranquil place. Internally it is—its economy is booming,… Read more »