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Possible New Refugee Crisis?

Possible New Refugee Crisis?

By: Daniel Nardini We hear about the tens of thousands of people fleeing from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. However, one country is missing from the list. So far, no… Read more »

Dark Spectre to the South

Dark Spectre to the South

By: Daniel Nardini It seems almost certain that Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will win the presidential election on July 1st. It also seems certain that Obrador will… Read more »

The Fear-mongering President

The Fear-mongering President

By: Daniel Nardini He had surrounded himself with millionaire friends. He had little to no idea about how to run government, or about foreign policy. He virtually isolated himself from… Read more »

The Singapore Sideshow

The Singapore Sideshow

By: Daniel Nardini The much heralded summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was held in Singapore before a large media audience. What this meeting… Read more »

Joshua Holt is Freed, But…

Joshua Holt is Freed, But…

By: Daniel Nardini Joshua Holt, the Mormon missionary who went to Venezuela to marry his girlfriend Thamara Coleno (now Thamar Holt) and was imprisoned by the Venezuelan government on bogus… Read more »

The United States Equation in Mexico

The United States Equation in Mexico

By: Daniel Nardini Four candidates for the Mexican presidency debated each other on May 20th. While their words and arguments primarily dealt with domestic issues, there is no doubt that… Read more »

Celebrating Karl Marx’s Birthday?

Celebrating Karl Marx’s Birthday?

By: Daniel Nardini Can anyone in Germany imagine a statue of Adolf Hitler ever being put up anywhere in that country? Of course not! Any mention of Hitler in a… Read more »

The Most Powerful Monster on Earth

The Most Powerful Monster on Earth

By: Daniel Nardini As I read articles about U.S. President Donald Trump being a “dictator” and a “tyrant,” I am thinking about the one man on this earth who truly… Read more »

Nigerians Crossing the U.S.-Canada Border

Nigerians Crossing the U.S.-Canada Border

By: Daniel Nardini While U.S. President Donald Trump is complaining about the Mexican government not doing enough about the Central American refugees crossing through Mexico to get to the U.S.-Mexico… Read more »

Paraguay’s New President

Paraguay’s New President

By: Daniel Nardini Paraguay’s new president, Mario Abdo Benitez, was elected by less than a four percent lead over his opponent Efrain Alegre. Benitez, a leading member of the ruling… Read more »